♪bottoms up♪

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new message: sammy
to: cass schuester
hey you hear about rachel's party?

reply to: sammy
from: cass schuester
yea, do i have to go?

new message: sammy
to: cass schuester
yes. logan wants to go.

in the basement of rachel's party, blake glared at her friends, "i hate you, what did you guys drag me into?"

"you could just let loose and have fun," mercedes suggested watching finn, blaine, and kurt enter.

blake snorted, "not with anything rachel berry puts together."


logan shook his head no, "she doesn't drink."

mercedes suddenly remembered why feeling dumb, "right, i forgot. well sorry."

rachel got everyone's attention, "uh, okay. let's, uh- let's go over the rules. everybody gets two drink tickets to keep things from getting out of hand. we are serving wine coolers today. that is our specialty drink. it's actually all we have. brittany! remember the rules. no sitting on anything. okay, everybody. cheers"

tina, mike, artie and britt went to leave, upsetting rach, "but we haven't even played celebrity yet. why is everybody leaving?"

"because this party blows," cass groaned, slamming her head into the pillow next to her.

"i haven't even had my first sip yet. how am i supposed to write "both sides now" if i can't even throw a party?"

puck came to her eyeing the liquor cabinet, "look, if you want everyone to stay you have to let me break in your dads' liquor cabinet. no one's gonna get buzzed off two wine coolers. i'll replace it before they get home."

"let's party!"

rachel chugs her first wine cooler, "it tastes like pink!"

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rachel chugs her first wine cooler, "it tastes like pink!"

finn, kurt and cass sat on the stage watching their very drunk friends, "are you not drinking?"

she shook her head, watching cedes and tina giggle, "i don't drink. you?"

"no. designated driver. what about you?"

kurt was shimmying, "i'm still trying to impress blaine. can't get too sloppy. clearly, he doesn't have the same concern."

with that blaine drunkenly stumbles over to the trio, "hey! it is so cool that you and kurt are brothers. right? like, brothers! wow! you're so tall."

"hiya gorgeous," sam greets drunkenly stumbling over to her, draping his arm across her narrow shoulders.

blake smiled, shrugging off his arm, "you're drunk sam."

sam smiled mischievously, pointing at his blonde head with his free hand, "the drunk mind says sober thoughts."

"for such a pretty face, you're pretty smart," blake admitted, knowing that there was truth to what he'd just said.

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