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"are you gonna apply to cal tech?"

cass closed her locker, shrugging at the blonde, "how did you- logan?"

"yep. he figured if anyone could convince you of anything it'd be me."

"why, because i'm so easily persuaded by a pretty face?" she laughs walking to the auditorium for glee.

"i don't know, it's not like you've ever listened to me before."


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mr. schue applauding the quartet's rendition of "you should be dancing", "wow, guys, what brought this on?"

"well, we know this year's nationals theme was "vintage," so we thought we needed something old, but something with a lot of energy. so we thought: disco," blaine breathlessly told the teacher, high-fiving his dance partners britt, mike and logan.

"absolutely. i don't know if i ever told you guys this, but back when i was in glee club, we took it all the way to nationals with the pure power of unadulterated disco."

"you have," his daughter informed him. "numerous times."

puck agreed with his old partner in crime, both having retired from their old lifestyles, "well, there's only one problem with that idea."

"and what's that?"

all the new directions seated in the audience yells up at him, "disco sucks!"

mercedes was telling kurt and cass about the colleges that she'd gotten into, much to the disappointment to the hummel, "hmm. i'm thrilled you got into defiance college and cleveland state, but what about nyu?"

a kid that none of them had ever seen before, walked up to them calling them each by name, "kurt hummel? mercedes jones? blake schuester?"

a kid that none of them had ever seen before, walked up to them calling them each by name, "kurt hummel? mercedes jones? blake schuester?"

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"i'm sorry to interrupt, but i'm your biggest fan. i've been to every last one of your performances, except west side story. i boycotted that one because none of you were tony and maria."

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