♪that ain't it♪

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"good morning blake," finn chirped as he skipped up to meet her at her locker.

she turned around to face the goliath of a sophomore, scowling at his chipperness this early in the morning, "just because we're in glee together it doesn't mean you can be this happy around me. ever. i don't do people, finn, and you're built like two."

finn laughed at her joke at his expense, finding her trying to be mean to him hilarious. he hands her a coffee cup, seeing her eyes widen at the sight, "i was going to offer you this coffee but no, that would fall under happiness and blake doesn't know how to emote."

"oh shut up and give me the coffee," she hissed at him, making him smile as he provides her with her addictive substance, caffeine. "thank you, finn. i needed this."

"any time."

with that finn's girlfriend, quinn fabray, entered the school, her blonde ponytail bouncing behind her. cass nudged her tall friend, "how's everything with quinn? does she hate that you're in glee?"

"with every fiber of her being," finn laughed as his girlfriend joined the pair.

"can you give us a second..." quinn asks, not knowing what to call cass.

cass nods, waving goodbye to finn, "sure thing quinn. the name's blake, by the way. seeya finn."

logan sees his sister walk away from finn from his locker down the hall and beckons her to join him, "what did finn do? why is quinn reaming into him?"

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logan sees his sister walk away from finn from his locker down the hall and beckons her to join him, "what did finn do? why is quinn reaming into him?"

"i dunno," cass admits, looking over her shoulder to see quinn intensely whisper to their tall friend. "probably patronizing him about glee club. which i think you should join, by the way."

logan looks at his big sister like she said she was about to rob a bank, which seemed like more of an expectable sentence from the girl, "you're kidding right? i thought you hated glee club?"

"i do," cass affirms, smiling brightly, "but if you, my super talented little brother, joined it would suck less."

"you really think i could do this?" logan asked, beaming.

"if you can't then no one can," cass reassured him, throwing her arm across his shoulders as puck throws a slushie in rachel's face.

puck high fives his buddy, "awesome."

"don't do it," logan warns, seeing the fire ignite in his sibling's eyes.

cass takes off after puckerman, "yo, puckerman!"

he turns to face her, smiling at her until she comes up and slaps him hard across the face, "what the hell was that for, blake?!"

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