♪break up♪

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"okay, as you all know, as national champions we get to host the annual show choir rules committee meeting."

tina laughed, "please tell me you're gonna ask what 1/3 vintage meant last year?"

"or like, why some teams get to sing six songs and other ones only do one?" sam offered, his eyes flickering around the room.

"speaking of competitions, shouldn't we start like, preparing for ours?" jake asked looking to the two directors sitting in front of them.

schue looked to his daughter, both lost for words, "i have some ideas which i am working on very hard. um i don't really want to give anything away right now-"

"excuse me," brittany interrupted, raising her hand high in the air.  "i'm not sure if what you were saying was actually important 'cause i wasn't listening but i'd like to make an announcement. first, i'd like to know if anyone can prove that blaine was actually born in this country?" brittany asked, earning a thumbs up from artie. "second, i'm wrapping up the election by selecting artie as my running mate."

"ah! all right," the new directions cheered.

all except sam, who looked particularly jealous of britt's announcement. which didn't go unnoticed by the schuester clan, but cass dismissed it thinking it was nothing.

"i think by bridging the human-slash-robot divide, we'll ensure that both students and vending machines will be voting for us."

artie sighed at his ex-girlfriend, "still not a robot."

"brittany, that's not fair," blaine whined, smiling to mask his frustration with the super senior.  "this isn't a popularity contest, it's about who's got the best ideas. it's about believing you can make a change, right?"

"what is that taste in my? is that sour grape?" artie teased as the bell rang dismissing the new directions to their next class. artie rolled after his running mate, "brittany."

logan cornered sam before he could leave the choir room, them being the last two in the room, "since when are you and brittany so close?"

"since last week, i gave her an intervention," sam told his friend hesitantly, knowing that logan can always tell when something's up. 

logan could tell by sam's facial expressions that he was withholding something, but he chose to take another angle to affirm his suspicion, "oh okay, have you talked to cass lately?"

"no, she never has time for me."

"she's in college, sam."

sam exhaled, nodding, "i know. but it feels like we're on two different planets."

"she's here, sam. like literally at the moment, right now. go to her, i'm sure she'd love to spend some time with you," logan suggested, knowing how much she misses spending everyday with sam but can't any more because of her college classes.

"i-i can't. i've gotta go talk to britt," sam told his girlfriend's brother, pushing past him to chase after brittany.

cass sat at their kitchen table that night, studying for a psychology test. logan same into the room, deciding in that moment to tell his sister what he was thinking, "cassie, i have something to tell you. i think something's going on with sam and britt."

"what?" she gasps, looking up from her laptop. "he'd never cheat on me."

logan nodded, sitting down at the table across from her, "i know. i know that but something is definitely going on there. i know you saw how upset he was when she announced artie as her running mate, that wasn't a normal reaction. just talk to him, i'm sure it's nothing."

cass just stared at her laptop's screen, nodding at her brother. logan saw the damage he done there, squeezed his sister's hand and left the kitchen to his bedroom.

will walked into their apartment, excitedly, "hey cass, i have something to talk to you about. this is important and i want your option on it."

cass tore her eyes off the screen, "hmm? oh, yeah. okay."

will excitedly sat down across from her handing her the application, "so they're forming a blue ribbon panel to support the arts education in schools but if i get it i'll be away from you all for several months."

"are you asking me if i think you should do it?"


cass laughed, putting the application down on the table, "dad, if this is your dream then i say go for it. glee, logan, emma and i will all still be here when you get back. i can run glee club, waiting for you to come back and lead them to nationals again."

"thank you. just don't tell anyone about it. i don't want to worry them if i don't get the job."

"of course."

new message: finn hudson
from: cassie
hey, how's georgia? just wanted to talk to you this week. will says hi

new message: finn hudson
to: cassie
tell him i say hi too. it's good. i'm actually heading to new york right now to surprise rachel. tell everyone i miss them. i'll talk to you later.

cass was suspicious of sam since logan had said something. so after watching and observing she decided to confront him, "do you like brittany, yes or no? answer the question sam, i'm not dumb."

sam's jaw dropped, he was shocked to say the least by the question, "i don't know cass. i love you but here lately it's like you don't have time for me anymore."

"i'm sorry that i'm in college but i can't fix that my time isn't all dedicated to you," cass grumbled, furious at the lame excuse she'd heard.

"at least girls here give me attention. britt pays attention to me."

cass scoffed, realizing that logan was right and that her boyfriend has feelings for brittany, "you know what, if you want attention go find someone who's world resolves around you. i'm sure that you and britt make a great couple."


she shook of his hand, "don't sam. it's over i can't try to convince you that i love you."

"i know you love me."

"you know you're the first boyfriend i've had. but now i know that it was a bad idea."

with tears in his eyes, sam tried to grab her hand, "cass, i'm so so sorry. i just miss you."

"you think i don't miss you," cass cries, all her emotions coming to the surface. "i do, everytime i walk into my classes at northwestern and see a blonde that's not you. i'm sorry sam but this is over.

"cassie?" logan sees his sister walk into their home, calling her name with a toothbrush in his mouth

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"cassie?" logan sees his sister walk into their home, calling her name with a toothbrush in his mouth.

cass drops her bag on the ground, tears streaming down her face, "you were right, he likes brittany. i didn't pay enough attention to him."

"shhh-" logan shushed, crossing the room to hold his big sister.  "this isn't your fault. you know what, i blame love that's what screws us."

the crying girl couldn't help but laugh at logan's comment, dragging the heel of her hand across her eyes, "i love you, you know that?"

"if i didn't then i'd be insane."

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