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"all right, people, we are back! first of all, big props to sam and blaine for all their hard work to make this happen."

cass cut off their applause and cheering, "but there's no time to celebrate. we just lost three weeks of prep time for regionals, and we still have to raise $400 to pay for the bus to get to the competition in indianapolis."

"it's the paris of indiana," artie sighed wistfully.

finn continued with the game plan, "i propose a bake sale. i mean it worked last time."

"well, that's because puck spiked the cupcakes with mary jane," artie chuckled reminiscing to the time puck gave everyone the munchies. 

cass smiled at the memory, remembering the look on puck's face when she showed him the envelope full of pot, "actually that was me."

"cass?!" everyone gasped together, not expecting her to be the dealer for noah puckerman.

"what? that was sophomore year me, i had a lot going on. i'm reformed now."

logan laughed, already knowing about the incident and cass' pot, taunting her, "i'll never look at you the same."

"shut up," cass demanded, smirking at her brother's taunts. 

"i'd be willing to cut off my hair to sell it for extra cash," joe offered, fingering a few of his dreds.

kitty rolled her eyes at his offer, "to who? jamaican kids with rastafarian cancer? or as rigging on a haunted pirate ship?"

"i could sell more of my semen," sam offered, shocking his ex-girlfriend with the information of him selling his semen prior to then. 

"this is silly. i know exactly how we're gonna get the money. "the men of mckinley" calendar," tina suggested. "let's face it this is the cutest crop of glee boys we've ever had."

finn looked offended by the underhanded diss tina gave him and the former glee boys but focused on her suggestion at hand, "that's great. and it's january, so it's the perfect time to sell them. there are seven guys, so we can divide it amongst you."

"i think blaine should definitely be december. you can do a santa thing but sexy, sexy claus," tina offered, making blaine kind of uncomfortable.

sam shrugged, sold on the idea, "i'm in as long as i can take my shirt off."

artie, however did not seem as pleased by the concept, "wait, why does it have to be just the men? why can't we objectify the girls, too?"

"cause girls are the ones that buy stuff. we're responsible for the consumer- driven economy. those twilight books are poop on paper, and we've turned them into a billion-dollar industry," kitty explained. 

"team jacob," unique cheered.

finn was sold, seeing the possible payout in the calender, "this could actually work. tina you're in charge. you can set up the photo shoots. everybody else, pick your months and work on your concepts."

"this may work," cass agreed.

tina smiled at the schuester, who typically would have shot down the idea, "thanks mary jane."

cass' smile instantly turned to a frown, "i was going through a hard time and you know it."

"guys lay off her. you know what was going on. you can't judge her for what she did, you never went through it," logan told them all as finn dismissed them for the day.

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