♪curtain call♪

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unique, mercedes, logan and cass all gathered around the piano, talking about mercedes' new career at sony records. unique squealed, "oh, my god i can't wait for that album to drop."

"thank you. cass, that track you sent me after the memorial is by far the producers favorite track you've ever sent," mercedes complimented, nudging cass's shoulder with her own to get her attention.

"nothing like losing one of your closest friends to get your creative juices flowing."

unique was at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond to her comment. logan, however, shared a look with mike, who was close enough to hear her words, sighed, "woah, super dark sis."

mercedes dismissed their concerns, understanding where cass was coming from, "nah, she's right. i have like two songs that i wrote about finn and that's not including the one that cass and sam sent with full lyrics and everything."

 gmercedes and rachel raced for the chair in the center, the chair that mercedes and cass used to call the "rachel chair", but rachel barely beat mercedes to it, starting a staring match between the two. kurt leaned forward hissing at the pair, "greet each other."

mercedes straighten out her blazer, forcing a smile onto her lips, "hello, rachel i am so happy to hear about all of your success."

"oh, thank you so much, mercedes. and you are looking well."

mercedes set her jaw as she dragged cass over to sit beside mike, "thank you. now, if you'll excuse me, we'll make our way to the back of the bus."

"that "you're looking well" made me want to slap her for you," the brunette murmured, shooting daggers in the back of rachel berry's head. 

will walked into the room, writing on the whiteboard he he had 100 times before, "100 lessons."

puck raised his hand, getting their teacher's attention, "hey, can i get finn's plaque when we clear this place out?"

"no, the plaque stays here lillian and finn belong here at mckinley. it means so much to me that so many of you came back on such short notice to celebrate the past few years. to sit in this room one last time and sing. your assignment is to sing one of the songs we sang in here, but reinvented in some way. way back in the old days when i started the glee club, i  would give an assignment, and then i would...i would give a little demonstration of what I was looking for."

santana quieted down the cheering from her former classmates and the current new directions, "see, you all cheer now, but just wait till he starts rapping."

logan chuckles, looking at his sister, "or he starts dancing, remember "ice ice baby"?"

"that was a great performance on my end," she laughed, brushing off her shoulder before giving mike a high-five.

will chuckled, fondly remembering the performance they were talking about, "okay, no hip-hop today. however, i have asked a very special person to come join me. and it seemed appropriate since her contributions helped save the glee club, or at least the auditorium way back when. please welcome, all the way from broadway, miss april rhodes!"

"hey, y'all! hiya gloomy girl."

cass chuckled at the nickname she'd been given four years ago by april, "hi april."

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