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"has your mother tried to talk to you since you told her to leave you guys alone?" will asked as they walked into the sanctity of their choir room.

logan shook his head no, his hair falling onto his forehead, "i've seen her in the halls but she hasn't come around me, no."

"in class she doesn't even talk to me, i think she's scared of me," cass wondered aloud.

"i would be too. hell i was scared of you at first."

cass fake gasped as she went to her first class of the day, "what? i was a delight."

"yeah okay," he laughed as his kids left for their classes.

"it's cool of you to do the makeup for the show."

cass chokes on her laughter, "artie guilt-tripped me. how's rehearsal going?"

"it's fun but exhausting."

cass smiled at their best friend as they found mike in the hallway, "i can imagine."

"why didn't you audition again?" mike asked, remembering that he never asked the question before.

"i'm more of a watcher not an actor."

mike smiled at the memory of her in a pink sparkly bodice and feather boa, "you did rocky horror."

"that.." she laughed remembering that week, "for my own personal enjoyment. did you know your dad was coming?"

"when were you gonna tell me?" mike chang sr. demands, meeting the trio at his son's locker.

mike was confused, among many other emotions, by the sight of his father, "tell you what?"

"that you’re doing the school musical? i overheard your mother talk about it on the phone. you lied to me. and you made a liar out of your mother. you will quit. immediately."

before the schuester siblings could attempt to reason with their best friend's father, mike stood his ground, "no. i love being a dancer."

"when i was in high school, i wanted to be a tennis player. but then i had to wake up and realise that i wasn’t good enough. grow up, michael. you need to learn the difference between grown-up dreams and kid dreams."

"i’m not going to be a doctor," the son told his father, unmoving from his dream. "i will be a professional dancer. i’ll pay my own way through college, i don’t want your money."

"as long as you continue to waste your life on this silly fantasy, you will no longer be my son."

"then i guess i don’t have a dad anymore," mike sternly told his father, sending him away with his words.

the girl stared at her friend, who was clearly experiencing some kind of mental breakdown, "mike are you okay?"

"yeah. i'll see you later, i've got homework to do."

mercedes came rushing down the hall, stopping in front of the girl who used to claim her as her best friend, "blake can you come with me?"


mercedes frowned at the snapping response from the schuester, "rachel needs all the girl's in the choir room."

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