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sam laid on top of the piano as logan and blaine partner played the piece that brad left on the piano, "so how does it work with gay marriage, you take his last name or does he take yours? or do you both hyphenate?"

"right now, i'm honestly just excited that kurt said yes," blaine dreamily sighed before turning to logan. "hey, are you looking forward to prom? i fell asleep last night while tina was texting me about her prom dress. it's really nice that you're going with her, by the way, logan."

logan sighed, resting his forehead on the keys of the piano, "yeah, i guess so. i don't know, i just... you know, it's my senior prom, so i kind of wish i was going with somebody I really care about."

"like mercedes?" sam teased, sitting up as mr. schue and cass entered the room.

blaine sees sam straightening himself as he slides off the top of the piano, whispering in his ear, "or like cass, sam?"

sam groans seeing cass walk straight to ryder and make jokes, "damn, i have seriously been unlucky in love."

"heard that bro, but at least you have a chance," logan inspired, leading sam to the two open seats in the front row.

cass claps her hands loudly, cheering as she jumped in the front of the new directions, "come on, guys, we're back with the beatles! we're leaving the mop-tops behind and moving into their experimental years. now, the rubber soul album marked a turning point for the group, where they literally and figuratively let their hair down. now, the beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. they could have remained in their comfort zones, but instead, they risked everything to explore new musical worlds. they had something important to say, and they weren't going to let something as silly as the fear of failure get in their way."

sue interrupted the lesson over the p.a. system, "good afternoon, mckinley high. this year, the proms are being fused into one giant brundleprom."

"what's a brundleprom?" marley asks.

jake shrugged, "i don't get that reference."

ryder snapped his fingers, placing where he'd heard the term before, "that's from the fly."

"and now for the moment that will crush 99% of your misguided views about your own popularity. here are your nominees for prom king and queen. first, here are your nominees for prom king: blaine anderson... mohamed omar, artie abrams.. "stoner" brett bukowski."

"wait, i really didn't get nominated for king?"

logan pat his friend on the back, knowing that sam wanted to win prom king, "oh, it's not a big deal. i didn't either."

"and now onto the queen. kitty wilde..."

"but i'm a sophomore," the cheerio mumbles confused as everyone in the choir room applauded the news of her nomination.

"aimee ryan...jordan stern."

cass leans down to speak to ryder, "isn't that the cheerio with a neck brace that was obsessed with you before the sadie's dance?"

"i have no clue," ryder whispers back as sue continued to speak over the p.a system.

"and, inexplicably, tina cohen-chang. congratulations. six of you will be disappointed."

logan got up, congratulating the jumping girl, "tina. wow! even though i'm not nominated, it's such an honor to be going to prom with a potential queen."

tina stopped jumping, realizing that she was supposed to go to prom with him as per her selection, "oh...sorry, logan. it was so nice of you to offer to go with me, but i'm going to have to decline your invitation."

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