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"sam, we need to talk. i know you've been keeping something from me."

sam stares at her, stammering, "wha- what? why would you think i'm keeping something from you?"

"because you're wearing kurt's jeans, i would know because that design on the pockets is something i did. the fact that you refuse to hang out with me anymore when a week ago you'd jump on the opportunity."

"cass, you don't-"

she cut him off, "you don't trust me? okay, i understand. it's not like you've asked me to tell you everything."


"i'll see you later. i'm not mad, i promise."

cass met finn down the hall as becky started passing out the school newspaper, the muckraker, "thanks becky."

cass started reading through it briefly then she came across a article on sam and quinn, "wow, okay then."

"cassie, did you know about this?" finn asked, pissed by the accusation of quinn caught cheating on him with sam in a motel.

she stared at the words on the page, not believing a word on it, "no, i didn't."

"i'm gonna punch your face off!" finn declared as he and cass walked into glee. 

sam jumped up, "you got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating. you're the one who snuck in and stole my girl!"

finn started storming out as schuester came in, "finn, where are you going? we got rehearsal!"

"not today!"

cass and logan get to the apartment late to see april rhodes in their kitchen fixing drinks. logan turned to his older sister, "why is april rhodes in our apartment?"

"dinner is served," april announces bringing in the drinks.

"i thought you volunteered to make dinner."

april shrugs, drinking her bloody mary, "well, mama drinks her dinner these days."

"ah. can i be blunt with you, april? i think any show about april rhodes should be about your emotional journey."

"oh. hadn't really thought of that. i forget what a good teacher you are, will."

will smiles at her as the kids join them in the living room, "thanks. lately i don't feel like it. i mean, there's just so much drama in the glee club right now- more than usual. a lot of whispering and backstabbing and love triangles and questions of sexuality."

"sounds like your club's got a touch of the mac."

"the what?" the schuester boys ask together.

"fleetwood mac?" cass asked hopefully.

april chuckled, "yes, gloomy girl! they fought all the time! there was affairs and divorces and whispers and gossip. all the stuff that made good bands break up. but they put all that drama to good use and wrote great music."

"you know, i think i might have rumours on lp somewhere," will thought aloud.

april took a drink, "uh, everybody does. i mean, i don't. i sold mine for drugs. kidding! nope. i actually did that."

will looked through their record collection, "here we go. you know, i've wanted to do a whole lesson devoted to a single album for a long time."

"you know, this is a really good idea, april," cass complimented, surprising her.

april smiled at the seventeen year old, "and i'm here to help."


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