♪guilty pleasures♪

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blaine and logan cornered sam at his locker handing him $50, "here. don't tell anyone and you don't have to thank us."

"dudes, what are you doing?"

logan offered the money again, "it's only 50 bucks. just take the money."

blaine agreed, "we know what you've been up to, and it just has to stop."

"what are you talking about?" sam hesitantly asked, closing his locker slowly.

blaine began to explain, straightening his cheerio's uniform, "last week, we found a shortcut between our lockers and the parking lot walking through the cafeteria cuts out 15 seconds from my daily routine and yesterday we saw something."

"listen, i know your dad's been struggling, and we just want to help. help you feed your family. you and cass may not be a thing but you're still my friend."

blaine clapped logan's shoulder, both following the escaping sam evans, "hunger's a big problem in this country. although so is obesity, which is confusing."

sam stopped facing the persistent pair, "okay, can you promise to keep a secret?"

"yeah, of course."

"i have been stealing pasta. but it's not for dinner. it's it's art." sam led the two to a classroom where he was storing his art projects, "so what do you think?"

logan stared at the multiple portraits displayed around the classroom, "are those macaroni portraits?"

the blonde nodded stuffing his hands into his pockets, "they're my guilty pleasure. my art teacher thinks i'm some sort of a genius, like the ugly guy in shine except with macaroni."

blaine stared at the one closest to him, "is this emma stone?"

"yeah. and then you got leann rimes, ralph macchio. those are the guys from duck dynasty. i even did kurt and cass. sorry if that's weird, logan," sam apologized to his ex's brother as he examined the portrait of his sister. 

blaine walked over to the portrait of kurt hummel, the sight of kurt bringing tears to his eyes, "the macaroni really captures him."

logan stared at the macaroni picture of his older sister, "as weird as it is, it's really good."

blaine nodded in agreement, quickly wiping the tear from his eye, "thank you for sharing this with us. this is really incredible."

"whoa, whoa, not so fast. now it's your turns."

blaine stuttered, "my turn for what?"

"for your guilty pleasure."

"i don't have a guilty pleasure," the boy lied to the object of his affection. 

"okay, you're lying."

blaine glared at the schuester, "logan."

"everybody's got that one thing that they like that they're so ashamed of that they refuse to admit it to anybody."

"i love wham!" blaine blurted out.


blaine quickly thanked his parents for listening to 80s pop while he was a kid, continuing in his lie, "the band wham! they're like my favorite band of all time."

logan furrowed his brows at blaine's confession, "that's really weird."

"hi, guys."

"hey, tina."

tina walked into the classroom, "did you hear the news? mr. schue is out with the flu this week."

"yeah i knew," will schuester's adopted son laughed.

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