♪twerk it♪

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"you know with the craziness of last week, we never got our tattoos?"

cass looks up from her phone, remembering that they had an appointment, "i totally forgot about that!"

"because you were too busy making out with sam," he taunted as they walked into the choir room.

cass' jaw dropped as she followed him, glaring at sam, "he told you?! i'm gonna kill him."

tina showed everyone the video she took of blaine the other day while he was twerking. as blaine buried his face into logan's neck, will laughed at his embarrassment, "blaine this is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"yes, it is," everyone in the room laughed, deepening blaine's embarrassment.

"that's a twerk fail gawker nightmare."

will had a spark of inspiration, "no. this is a revelation."

"if this is turning into what i think it's turning into, i just want to say that it's physically impossible for me to twerk."

kitty smirked at her disabled boyfriend, "i beg to differ."

will laughed at kitty's advance, continuing in his idea, "guys, look how you're all riveted by that video. that's the kind of reaction we need from the judges if we're gonna one-up throat explosion at nationals. we need to edge up our america's sweetheart image a bit. show the judges that we're not afraid to rebel."

marley raised her hand embarrassed, "mr. schue, what if some of us don't know how to twerk?"

"have no fear, your twerk-torial is here. hey, and if you can all dance like blaine did in that video, we are gonna need a bigger trophy case."

cass groaned as the glee kids started twerking to show marley how it's done, "you've got to be kidding me?"

"what? i'm appealing to what they actually care about," will laughed as kitty twerked next to artie.

cass chuckled at ryder and logan as they were laughing at blaine, "okay true but don't you think this isn't going to go over well with sue?"

"we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

logan, blaine and sam waited for cass to join them at the lima bean when logan sees a familiar face walk in the door with a new look, "oh, my god, cassie. did you cut your hair?"

blaine turns to face the approaching woman, gasping at her new chin length hair, "oh my god cass that looks so great on you. "

"thank you blaine, i appreciate it," she smiled, giving him a side hug as she sat next to him.

sam stared at the person of interest across from him, curious as to what caused her sudden change in appearance, "what's with the haircut?"

"i wanted to do something okay. i've been having hard time since you know... finn, and i figured why not make a change i actually want."

blaine takes a strand between his fingers, admiring her new haircut, "well i, for one, love it on you."

logan smiled at her new hair, seeing how content she looked, "yeah, it looks great sis. much better than that haircut our sperm donor gave you three years ago."

"i know right," she chuckled, ruffling her hair. "hey sam can we talk in private."

"yeah," cass took her ex-boyfriend's ear, dragging him across the room and out of ear shot of their friends. "ouch."

cass glared at the blonde, jamming her index finger into his chest, "you told them that we kissed?"

sam slowly nodded, removing her finger from his chest, "yes..."

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