♪jump on it♪

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kurt looked up from looking through the old yearbooks to see finn, blake and puck all walk in, "where's rachel?"

"she's not here yet," finn told him, looking back at the door.

kurt smiled devilishly, "perfect. glee club stands on a delicate precipice. we have all felt the cold humiliation of a slushie in the face. but as of right now, our relative anonymity as a club shields us from more severe persecution: swirlies, patriotic wedgies..."

mercedes looks to blake, whispering in her ear, "what's a patriotic wedgie?"

blake laughs at her friend's naïveness, "it's when they hoist you up the flag pole by your undies."

"strangely, it did make me feel more american," artie admitted, making puck look away guilty because he was the one who gave it to him.

kurt nodded, continuing in his presentation, "based on my investigation, i am of the opinion that a yearbook photo would only fuel the flames of anti-glee-club terror. i've done a little library research. peter gellar. glee club second tenor, 1998. he can be seen here with both a drawn on hitler mustache and rice paddy hat. shortly after the yearbook came out, mr. gellar had a nervous breakdown. he is now the homeless man who sleeps in front of the public library."

"patches?" quinn and logan question together.

kurt nods, confirming their inquiry, "patches."

"he barks at my mom," britt whispered to santana.

kurt opened another yearbook, pointing at a girl, "exhibit b: tawny peterson, glee club class of 2000, seen here in her photo with a cartoon knife stuck in her head, in a macabre tableau that, in four years would prove eerily prescient. i think i speak for all of us when i say that not having to pose for a yearbook photo might be a blessing in disguise. i suggest not fighting figgins' ruling."

mr. schue walks in seeing the stack of old yearbooks on the piano, "oh, hey, guys. ah, looking at old thunderclaps?"

"it's really unsettling," mike told their teacher, earning a wave of agreement from his fellow new directions.

"and totally unfair. hey, can i borrow one of these?" schuester asks, taking a yearbook from kurt. "you know what? this year's thunderclap is going to have a glee club photo with every one of your smiling faces. you have my word on it."

blake groaned, leaning against mercedes like she was a leaning post, "i don't even want my student picture in the book. why do i have to be in the glee one too?"

"because if i have to be in it, you do too cass. oh come on, we'll style your hair and make you look all cute," mercedes offered.

blake ruffled her own growing hair, "my hair is growing back in so it's wild right now. and i still got this bruise. i feel like a sickness coming on." she proceeded to fake a cough.

"well we can gel your hair and cover up the bruise with makeup," mercedes told her as they left the choir room.


the next day, kurt was sitting at the piano trying to teach blake how to play since she asked when rachel rudely interrupted, "kurt, i have a fantastic idea for a club that would officially make me the most involved student in the whole school. i want us to start a gaylesball."

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