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"all right, folks. regionals is in a week. it’s time to get deep into our setlist." will notices artie's blank stare at the wall next to him and cass, "artie, you okay?"

"my life is over. how am i supposed to support a baby?" he looks his girlfriend, "how could you not tell me about this?"

cass wipes her head to the blonde, genuinely surprised by the second pregnancy in two years, "wait, you're pregnant?"

"definitely. i’m so sorry, artie. i didn’t want to upset you. i thought i could surprise you when i dropped him off. pretty sure it’s a boy."

logan and puck look at her confused, "um, babies don’t get dropped off."

"wait, brittany, have you been to a doctor yet? that’s the only way to be sure," their teacher asked the blonde.

"i don’t need to go to a doctor. i just need to look outside my window. three days ago, a stork built its nest on top of my garage. i’m not stupid, it’s obviously getting ready to bring me my baby. i know where babies come from."

"clearly," cass mumbled before leaving glee at the bell.

as david karofsky was walking past cass schuester in the hall, he yet again decided to touch her in passing. this time he just smacked her butt as she put something into her locker. she turned in time to see him, "david karofsky, i've got a bone to pick with you. you think you can touch me and kiss me and harass me but you can't, i'm done letting people get away with it. i've been keeping quiet my entire life."

karofsky lowered his voice, "listen i don't know-"

"don't fucking lie to me! you know what you did and if you ever touch me again i will tell someone, everyone, i don't care."

"blake-" karofsky breathed, coming nearing to her.

she put her hand out, firmly telling him, "don't you dare come near me!"

sue sees cass tell david karofsky to back away, knowing that others have had problems with him in the past in regards to bullying, deciding to intervene, "david i need you to walk away."


"now!" sue yelled, scaring him away. she turned to the brunette, "come with me."

will writes “sexy” on the white board, "sexy."

"i really hope that’s not one of the requirements for regionals, because with berry in those tights, we don’t stand a chance," santana snickered receiving the intended reaction from her fellow members and rachel berry.

schue frowned at her, "no, this isn’t about regionals. i’m less worried about that right now and more worried about the fact that it’s become clear to me that some of you have been lacking when it comes to understanding the…the, uh…the intricacies of adult relationships."

cass gets up and whispers in her teacher's ear, "mr. schue, can i please be excused?"

will had the light switch on in his mind, realizing why she'd want to be exempt from the conversation, "can you handle this conversation? we're talking about safe sex because these kids clearly know nothing."

"i guess i'll be okay. but am i free to leave if i get uncomfortable?,

"yes. of course." he whispered as she returned to her seat in the back corner. "yeah, anyways. along with preparing for our regionals next week, i want to spend the week educating ourselves about some of these intricacies."

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