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mr. schue claps getting everyone's attention, "all right, guys, listen up. i have an announcement to make."

"adele is dead," britt suggested.

"no. i have been asked to join a blue ribbon panel to rewrite the arts curriculum nationwide."

the kids cheered, "wow! congratulations."

"thank you. i'll be taking a short sabbatical, which means i'm leaving mckinley at the end of the week."

artie gasped, "what? this is crazy. but glee club is your life."

"which is why this is only temporary. i'll be back right after sectionals."

"wait after sectionals?!" tina yelled, not pleased with what she was hearing.

"guys, calm down. look, i knew i needed to find a replacement, which is why i brought in cass schuester."

cass smiled up at her friend, "and i brought in finn."

tina was not pleased with cass' choice for her aid, "mr. schue, finn and your daughter cannot take over glee club. he doesn't know what he's doing at all. sorry, finn."

"guys, he's going to be assisting me," cass attempted to reason, easing some of their qualms.

finn smiled, grabbing cass' shoulders, "guys, i know i can do this."

"and we've got some really great ideas for sectionals," cass told them.

"we'll all be dead by then!" tina screamed dramatically.

logan smacked tina to snap her out of it, hissing, "tina."

but she doesn't stop, "finn doesn't know how to direct a musical!"

the others began protesting nonsense things, "no, we can't win without him. who's going to drive the bus?"

sue came into the choir room demanding, "finn hudson, schuester squared. figgins' office, right now."

"i don't even understand how you found out."

sue scoffed at the history teacher, "william, i've had the choir room bugged. that plaque with the dead fat lady on it her eyes are cameras."

"okay, Sue, this is none of your business, and besides, i've already cleared this with figgins, so, i don't see what the problem is."

"will, of course, you don't, because this is just another one of your ill-conceived, bizarrely sentimental schemes that displays absolutely no forethought and appears immediately ridiculous to everyone in america except you. finn hudson barely graduated high school less than six months ago, he has no bachelor's degree, nor the certification to teach in the state of ohio."

figgins sighed at sue's protest, "sue, glee club is not a class. it an extracurricular activity. which is why it is perfectly legal for finn to volunteer his talents temporarily. cass is doing her mentoring program as well as her specialized studies here for education and music. she's more than qualified."

cass looked to the cheerleading coach, who's never particularly liked anyone in the room, "i promise, this is the right thing to do. we can take this glee club to sectionals, and i know we can win."

"i'll work just as hard as mr. schue does, and do it all for free," finn told her, knowing that budget was always sue's concern.

"okay, let me just remind everyone of something. for the past year, i have shown the glee club mercy, and this school has enjoyed an unprecedented era of peace, but if bloaty the gravy clown is allowed to take over glee club, my détente with the art in this school will be over."

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