♪luck o' the irish♪

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"top o' the morning."

cass looked up from her book, seeing with the voice belonged to, "i'm sorry, who the hell are you?"

"rory flanagan, who might you be?" he introduced himself, offering his hand to her.

she smiled lightly at his accent, "blake."

"nice to me-"

seeing someone down the hall, she closed her book and turns to leave, "i've gotta go, it was nice talking to you. later kid."


cass stopped at the sound of her full name, no one was dumb enough to call her that, "excuse you? the name's blake, don't you dare call me that allison."

allison frowned at her daughter, disappointed by everything that was going wrong in this situation, "will you just let me talk?"

"no, you had 9 years to come back and talk but instead you left me, a seven year old, to raise and protect my brother when i couldn't even protect myself from michael."

"i'm sorry for whatever you experienced-"

"sure you are," the seventeen going eighteen year old laughed, cutting off her mother. "just leave us alone, allison. or i will file a restraining order against you."

finn had watched the entire scene, his ears perked up at the sound of cass schuester's full name, "you okay?"

"why do you care hudson?" she spit like venom, her blood still boiling from talking to her mother.

"woah, calm down with the animosity. i just saw you yelling at that teacher so i figured something was up."

"thanks for the concern but this is a personal matter."

santana walked in behind logan, seeing tina crying, "you know what, girl chang? if you cry every time someone gets a hangnail, it kind of starts to lose its effect."

"it's not a hangnail," she cried, lifting her head from mike's shoulder. "mercedes was one of glee's original members. i feel naked in here without her."

"yeah, well, get used to it, 'cause without her singing for us, we're going to have to perform naked for the judges to vote for us at sectionals," puck whined, slamming his body into the seat behind logan.

cass picks her head up out of her hands, glaring at the group as a whole, snapping, "you know what the more you guys complain about this, the more i want to slam my head against the wall. just shut up already!"

mr. schue raised his eyebrows at his grumpy child, concerned where this attitude as of late came from, "no. i will not let this setback crush our spirits. i mean, we have handled worse."

"than losing one of our best singers? kind of hard not to blame you, mr. schue. think you were too hard on her at booty camp," kurt accused, feeling alone without mercedes in the room.

tina turned to artie, "i blame artie. why couldn't you have just given maria to mercedes?"

"because that would have damaged my integrity as an artist."

"no it didn't! you all just cater to freaking rachel, since the beginning!" cass snapped, earning concerned looks from every person in the room as rachel enters as though she was summoned.

"sorry i am late. i was putting up posters for my for my campaign."

kurt sneered at his friend, "did you airbrush out your jowls?"

"look, let's stop it, everybody. So we lost a singer. so they canceled the musical," finn continued, trying to give a big inspirational speech.

rachel gasped at the words her boyfriend just uttered, "wait, what? no, no, no, no. you can't cancel my musical."

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