♪dishonor & distress♪

790 16 4

cass tipped the box of cereal over her bowl, only to discover that nothing was in the box, "will we're out of cornflakes, logan just ate the last of it."

"it's not my fault i'm a growing man," logan defends, his mouth full of cereal.

cass scoffed, taking the bowl from him to take a bite, "you are hardly a man."

will watched his kids, bemused by their argument, "shut it you two. i'll grab a new box out of the pantry."


will reaches into the pantry, trying to find the box of cornflakes they'd just bought that weekend only to find a basket full of bridal magazines, "are these either of yours?"

"no i'm turning eighteen and i have commitment issues," cass reminded him, mumbling into her coffee.

logan shakes his head, answering with his mouth full, "i'm a dude. they're probably emma's."

emma walks in to see the three of them at the table, "morning, sunshines."


emma looked to the two without food, "do you want me to iron some bacon for you?"

"um, i was looking for a fresh box of cornflakes, and i found this hidden way back in the pantry. It’s a stash of wedding magazines. wedding, inc., modern bridal, marry me monthly…"

emma looked at them, her eyes resembling a deer in the headlights, "oh, wow. terri must have had a massive bridal magazine addiction."

"and an autographed headshot of vera wang. “to emma. always marry up!"," will asked, raising the picture.

cass looked to her brother after draining her coffee, "this is where we leave. see you guys at school."

mike had just left his meeting with mr. figgins and his father only to go straight to football. immediately after football he found his best girl friend and began to rant, "beiste wants the football guys to try out and me and logan are the only ones who can dance. i don't know what to do, i'm freaking out."

cass grabbed him by the shoulders, "calm down, you'll be fine. it was an a minus and that test was hard so don't be so down on yourself."

"what am i gonna do about the football guys," mike asks her opinion knowing that she's the one who's most honest.

"screw them, it's your audition."

mike nods at cass, not really responding but acknowledging that he heard her as he organized his locker.

tina scurried to them excitedly, sheet music in hand, "ready for song practice? your audition is tomorrow."

"i’m not auditioning," he announces shocking the two women in front of him.

"what are you talking about? we’ve been practicing your singing every day! this is your chance to break out and show everybody that you’re more than just a fleet-footed dance ninja. riff is perfect for you. he sings, he dances, he dives. it’s the second male lead, mike," tina tries to convince him to follow through.

mike tore his eyes from his locker to look at the girls, "i’m overwhelmed and losing focus. football, glee club, booty camp so we’re ready for sectionals. i got an a-minus, tina."

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