♪almost there♪

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rachel handed finn an envelope with pictures that sebastian smythe photoshopped of him, sending him on an angry rampage, "that's it. i'm done. i'm leaving this classroom, and i'm going to beat that sebastian kid's ass!"

"oooh i wanna come," cass announced, skipping over to join him.

"finn, chill."

the quarterback turned to face their teacher, "no, i'm not going to chill. i'm done chilling."

logan wheels in artie, who's reading out of a book, "the official show choir rule book states that "any real or perceived threat of violence, vandalism or humiliation will be met with a swift and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's team with extreme prejudice." it's right here. page 72, by-law 15, section six, article 44."

"guys, i contacted the headmaster of dalton," will started only to be cut off by blaine anderson.

"like you did when sebastian almost blinded me? what did they do then? same thing as they're going to do now nothing."

rachel sighs, unphased by the situation, "look, none of this matters now anyways, okay? we're not going to let him beat us like this. i'm going to perform at regionals."

"even if he's going to post a photo like this of me if you do?"

rachel laughs at her fiance, "finn, i'm not going to negotiate with terrorists."

sugar turns to rory and cass, "if someone posted a picture like that of me online, i'd probably kill myself."

"twice to be sure i was dead," rory and cass agreed.

"look, you guys are just going to have to deal with things like this. the more successful you get, the more garbage people are going to make up about you. they're going to love to tear you down."

finn ignored mr. schue, facing toward his fiancée, "i can't believe you would do that to me."

"i'm going to be married to you. don't you think i'm going to suffer the consequences as well?"

logan blows a raspberry at rachel's lame justification, "oh boo."

"i mean, i just i don't care about stuff like that. i love you, and we'll manage this together. okay, the important thing right now is that we win."

"so you wouldn't care if i photoshopped a photo of you like this and put it on the internet?" finn asked.

"look, our future depends on us winning regionals. it'll help me towards my nyada application."

finn got up, leaving the room, "hmm. hope you get in."

cass left glee, checking her phone knowing that it went off during rehearsal, "5 missed calls?"

new message: unknown number
to: cass schuester
hey blake, this is david karofsky.  can you call me? i know you don't owe me anything but i really need someone

delivered: 15:45
seen: 17:59

sam and logan came up next to her, standing on either side of her, "you'll never guess who just texted me, dave karofsky."

"you're kidding me right?" sam asked, hoping that she was just trying to mess with them.

"no, look."

she hands the pair her phone, each taking turns reading the short text message. logan hands his sister her phone, "you're not gonna text him are you? after what he put you though last year?"

"i am."

she dialed his number, putting the phone to her ear, "you've reached the voicemail box of... dave karofsky. leave a message at the tone."

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