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will walked into glee club that morning, writing 2030 on the board, "all right, guys! let me ask you something. where do you think you'll be in the year 2030?"

"broadway," rachel and kurt state together before looking at each other squealing, "twinsies!"

"walking," artie claims, earning a funny look from santana.

puck looked up from his shoes, "in jail, or dead. or both."

cass started playing with the fringed material of her ripped jeans, "in a dream world, not in lima."

"same!" her brother agreed loudly.

"wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you're going to need to be able to speak spanish. the reality is, by 2030, more people on this planet will be speaking spanish than any other language. the world is changing. our culture is changing. and that needs to be reflected in here. so for our next assignment, we're only doing songs written or performed by someone latin, or of latin descent. or english songs performed bilingually."

"ooh, i'm bilingual," britt informed.

cass laughed at britt's innocence, "no sweetie, you're bisexual."


"mr. schue, though i love that we're finally getting all lima sound machine in here, why now?" santana asks, unsure what brought this abour knowing that all of their assignments have some inspiration.

"oh, santana, because it's long overdue. the truth is, i love all things latin. i mean, i love latin food, latin art, latin people."

logan furrowed his brows at his dad, "you don't know any latin people."

"i know," will trailed off when he saw his night school spanish teacher. "guys, this is david martinez. david martinez, this is the glee club."

"oh, my god."



"ever," artie finished, staring at the man.

david waves at the room full of teenagers, "hello, everyone. it's a pleasure."

"david here is one of my many Latin friends. and he's interested in starting his own night school glee club, after hours. so i invited him to come watch us get our duende on."

"duende?" finn questioned, confused by what their teacher just said.

santana rolled her eyes at her white teacher, "it means "dwarf," you ass."

"cállate santana," the french student warned, knowing enough spanish from growing up in lima heights.

puck stared at the brunette, not understanding what she said either, "now i'm completely confused. so what's the assignment?"

"to sing, in spanish, with duende. which, yes, literally means "dwarf," but metaphorically, it means to have spanish soul. to be filled with spanish passion."

"will, can i," david asked, switching to spanish, "hablar con ellos? a performance with duende transforms you. makes you sing, makes you cry, makes you laugh. makes you want to kiss a person you love. a song sung in spanish must have duende, or else-"

"would you mind showing us?" logan asked, still confused what duende was.

kurt gasped, thankful for the request, "oh dear god, please, yes."

"be my guest."

"well, i'm not a professional like you guys, but i'll give it a go."

mr. schue turned to his students, "all right. now, guys remember, mr. martinez is here as our guest, okay? let's create a safe and supportive environment."

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