Mouse - Nice to meet you

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Mouse's POV:
Jesse and I were sat in the rhino looking around for our next rescue. In the distance there was this girl struggling to stay afloat. There was a rip which was pulling her in further and further. "I've got her." I said to Jesse taking my blue shirt off and grabbing the rescue board. The waves were crashing against my board but I got through them and towards the girl.

Your POV:
I got stuck in a rip and I was struggling to get out of it while trying to stay afloat. In the distance I saw someone with a blue board coming towards me. As they got closer I knew it was a lifeguard. Thank god. "Get on." He said and helped me up onto the board. He was cute. "Thank you." I said as we made our way back to land. Once we both got back to shore, I thanked him again. "Thank you. I'm y/n by the way." I said smiling. "Mouse." He said smiling back. "I assume that's a nickname." I asked. "Yeah my real name is Michael but people call me Mouse." He said.

Mouse's POV:
I couldn't get her off of my mind. I went up to the tower. Placing my hoodie on and taking a seat. "Is there something on your mind Mouse?" Troy asked. "Yeah." I said. "Care to spill?" He asked. I smiled thinking about it. "Well I did a rescue earlier of this girl stuck in a rip. She was around my age and was really sweet. Also very pretty. But now I can't get her off of my mind and I would like to see her one last time." I said realising the last few words of the sentence. I probably won't see her again.

There was a knock at the tower door. I went down the stairs and went to see who it was. Out from behind the door came y/n. She had the most beautiful smile. "Hey I thought I'd come say goodbye and once again thank you for rescuing me." She said. "It was nice meeting you." I said. Stupid move Mouse. I thought to myself. "If there's anything I could repay you back for." She suggested. A date would be great. "It's fine honestly." I said smiling. Wow you've blown it this time. I thought again. Y/n said goodbye and went on her ways.

I walked back up to where the others were sat. "Mouse go get her!" Maxi said smiling. "You may not see her again and then later on you'll kick yourself in the leg for not getting her number." One of the guys said. I smiled and ran out the door that we were both talking at. There she was. Y/n was walking away slowly but she was quite the distance away. I ran and made myself get closer to her before shouting her name. "Y/n!" I shouting grabbing her attention. She turned around. "Yes." She said with a big smile. "Let me take you on a date. How about tomorrow at 6?" I said as she smiled even more. "That would be really nice." She said walking closer to me. Y/n kissed my cheek. "See you at 6 Mouse." Y/n said before walking off again. Get her number! "Wait hold up y/n." I said as she turned around once again. "Can I have your number?" I asked. "Pass me your phone." She said and took my phone from my hands typing in her number. We finally said our goodbyes and y/n left walking into the sunset.

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