All lifeguards - supportive

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Requested by beautifullymaggie

Maggie's POV:
Since I passed out at work I've been getting the help that I've needed. It's been a tough journey but I'm managing to get through it. I'm surrounded by loving and accepting people. Jackson. He's been here since day one. He's helped me eat little by little each day and has encouraged me. I love his support. Also there's another thing. I've started to catch feelings for him. I couldn't help it. He's just so caring and kind, how could I not?!

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I woke up as it was my first day properly back. I had a good filling breakfast as dad made it for me and wanted it all gone by the time he was finished getting ready. So I ate it all. It was nice. "I'm so proud of you Maggie." He said to me. I smiled. "I'm proud of myself for doing this." I said. "You've come so far." Dad said as I hugged him. We both headed off for work. Today was busy at the beach. Jackson was there by my side as he's going to be with me for a few shifts. We had lunch together and he helped me get through it by his encouraging words. The day went by. Many rescues done. Telling loads of people to swim between the red and yellow flags. And all that stuff. It was soon the end of my shift the same with Jackson as the beach began to close for the night. He seem different and distracted today. I wonder why.

Jackson and I headed out of the tower and stood in front of the pavilion. He seemed a bit off. "Jackson-." I said before I got interrupted by him. "Maggie will you be my girlfriend?" Jackson asked. I smiled. "Yes." I said making him smile. We both hugged one another tightly. We heard someone cough causing us both to turn around. My dad was standing there. Jackson gulped. I squeezed his side so he could know that everything was going to be ok. "Jackson you better treat my daughter well otherwise I'll be after you!" Singlets said with crossed arms. "I'll never hurt her." Jackson said making me smile as I clung to his side. And with that Singlets (aka my dad) accepted mine and Jackson's relationship.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

Maggie thank you so much for your support! Thank you for the lovely messages that you send me about my books/writing! You make my day! You're amazing!

-Vicki 🤍

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