Max Ayshford - Baby

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Requested by erinewings

Part 2

Erin's POV:
After telling Max about our baby he's been over the moon. We found out that we're having a baby girl and already have the perfect name for her. I can't wait for her to arrive. Max and I have the nursery all built up and everything set ready for baby girl to arrive.

Max and I walked into the tower as he came down to visit everyone. I was heavily pregnant. About 39 weeks. I wasn't expecting to still be carrying her at 39 weeks. Max gave me a seat to sit down on. "You're about to pop anytime now Erin." Harrison said. "Oh for sure. She needs to hurry up as I just want to meet her now." I said as he chuckled. "Well you and Max are going to be great parents." He said. "Thanks Harrison." I said smiling at him. Max and I spent a few hours down here before I began to feel quite tired so he thought it was best for us to go home so I could rest.

Max's POV:
It was the next day after Erin and I came down here. It was me, Harries, Jethro, Singlets and Reidy that were in the tower. My phone began to ring as it was right beside me. It was Erin.


Hey baby. Is everything ok?
Max, my waters just broke. I-I don't know what to do...I'm panicking. Please hurry home.
Oh my god. Baby stay in there for me. Deep breaths in and out. I'm leaving now. I'll be home in 5 minutes.
Ok. Hurry.
I love you.
I love you too.

I hung up the phone collecting my jacket. "Sorry to cut my shift short guys but Erin's waters have just broke so I'm going to dash." I said with my heart racing. "Go have this baby Max." Reidy said patting my shoulder as I walked past. "Good luck mate." Harries said. I quickly made my way out of the tower and towards Hoppo's office. "Hey Hoppo I'm gonna have to dash. The baby's on its way." I said. "Good luck Max. Wishing you all the best." He said. I quickly made my way out of his office and off home. Erin and I only live 5 minutes away from the beach.

Erin's POV:
My waters just broke. Max was on his way back which felt like he took forever but he was only 5 minutes. The door opened and in came Max. I was sat on the sofa breathing through the contractions. "I'm here baby." Max said rushing over to my side kissing the side of my head. I smiled but it soon went as a contraction came over. I groaned. "In and out." Max said. Max grabbed the hospital bag putting it in the car and coming back for me. He took my arm helping me to the car.

We arrived at the hospital just in time. We were shown to our room getting settled in but shortly later a nurse came in to check me and check over everything with Max and I. "My name is Penny I'll be with you for your birth. Is this dad?" She asked. "Yeah that's the dad." I said smiling at Max. He had the biggest smile on his face. "I'm super excited for this." He said making me giggle. "Well it's going to a big experience. Here's your gown that you'll be needing." Penny said handing me the gown. I got into my gown with help from Max. He helped me onto the bed as the nurse began to do the checks. "So you're about 4cm along but I'm not sure how many hours it'll take for you to dilate to 10 as some women are different when it comes to this." She explained. "Ok." I said with a smile. "Have you thought about an epidural?" She asked. "Definitely. I was thinking when I get to 5cm. I'm coping ok now it's not that painful." I explained. "We can get that book for an hours time." Penny said. "Thank you." I said as she left the room.

The contractions got stronger. I had my legs hanging over the bed as I was sat up and my chin was resting on my chest. I would occasionally make a noise. "Max." I moaned out. He got off of the chair and came right over to me taking my hands. "God this is painful." I groaned. "I know baby." He said rubbing my back to soothe it. Max was really helpful and helped me a lot. He sat down on the bed next to me with his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

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