Maxi - Nice to meet ya

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Y/bf/n - Your best friends name

Your POV:
My flight came in two days ago. I had a lot planned for this trip. This holiday was needed. My best friend who lives in Australia let me stay at hers. I flew in from England as that's where I'm from and where I live. One of the main places I wanted to come was to bondi. I've been there before but I can't remember much of it as it was long ago. Me and Y/bf/n headed down to the beach for the day.

I was walking down the beach to find a spot for y/bf/n and I to lay for most of the day when I walked into someone. "I am so sorry." I said beginning to panic a little. I looked up see a guy in a blue shirt which said 'Lifeguard' on. He was tall, had nice brown eyes and beautiful blonde-ish hair. "Hey don't worry I'm ok and you're ok." He said with a smile. He's so sweet. "I'm Maxi." He said. "Y/n." I replied back. It went silent as he stared into my eyes then got a little awkward. "Well I gotta get going, nice meeting you." Maxi said before running off. "It was nice meeting you too." I said but he didn't hear me as he was long gone. Maxi was sweet and nice. I quickly walked over to y/bf/n and she questioned me about what happened but I replied with it was nothing but deep down I knew it was more than something.

Y/bf/n and I were laying down in the spot we chose for the day when a shadow came over me. I opened my eyes lifting up my sunglasses seeing Maxi standing there. "Hey Maxi." I said with a smile sitting up. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a walk of something." He asked scratching the back of his neck. I looked down at y/bf/n and she nodded with a smirk on her face. "I would love too." I said grabbing my bag. "I'll meet you by the tower in about an hour?" I told her. "No problem see you then. Have fun." She said smiling. I walked away with Maxi by my side. "Your accent?" He questioned. "English. I was born and raised there." I said making him chuckle. We walked around for a while and got to know one another.

- - - -

I met y/bf/n at the tower and we went off to have some lunch before returning back to the beach for a final few hours. Even though I've only known Maxi for about 4-5 hours we've connected well. He would come up and check on me to see if I'm alright. Maxi came over and spoke to us both. It was sweet of him to check up on us. He walked away and I turned to face y/bf/n. "See he's totally into you." She exclaimed. "I know know y/bf/n." I said sighing. "You can see it in his eyes y/n and the way he acts around you." She said making me smile. I went a little red. "Now I can tell that you like him too." She said wriggling her eyebrows. "Maybe a little." I whispered loud enough for her to hear me. The sound of a buggy was coming towards us. I looked up seeing Maxi driving with someone next to him. He had long blonde hair. They got slower as they approached us. "Hey y/n! Let me take you out for a drink after my shifts over." Maxi asked. "I'm up for that." I said with a smile. "See you then." He said winking as he drove off. I turned to face y/bf/n and she was smirking. "Oooo y/n you got yourself a date!" Y/bf/n teased. I rolled my eyes as we both headed back to her so I could freshen up for later.

- - - -

Maxi and I met outside the tower as he was taking me to get a drink after his shift was over. We hugged and he led the way. "I'm taking you to the best cafe in bondi if that ok?" Maxi asked looking really happy when he said that. "That's fine by me." I said as we headed off to the cafe. We both arrived walking in and choosing our drinks. I was about to pay for mine when Maxi paid for it instead. "You didn't have to." I said feeling a little guilty. "My treat." He said with a smile. The two of us sat at a table a dove straight into a strong conversation. "So what brings you to bondi then?" He asked as he took a sip from his drink. "Well I'm on holiday as it was much needed. I'm here for about a month but then I have to go back home obviously." I explained. Maxi seemed interested. "So what do you do for a living?" He asked. "Well I just finished uni about 3 months ago so I'm still trying to figure out what I want to with my life. I'm an artist and it's a dream of mine to illustrate my own book or a book for that matter." I explained. "Sounds quite cool if I'm honest." Maxi said laughing.

I took a sip of my drink. "Move to Australia." Maxi suggested. "I would love to but where would I stay for the time being while I find myself a place to live." I said thinking deep into this topic. "Hey hey. Listen. You can stay with me for as long as you want y/n. I can help you find a place to live around here." Maxi said as he had a hand on my shoulder. I sighed in relief. "What can I do to repay you back?" I asked. "Come back and visit me. Then I'll take you on a proper date." He said with a smile. "Really?" I asked a little shocked. "Only if you want to." He said. "Of course I would love that." I told him. We finished our drinks and headed out the cafe. Maxi and I walked around and he walked me back to y/bf/n place. "It was really nice meeting you today y/n." Maxi said hugging me. "And you." I said with a smile. "Come see me again soon." He said giving me one last hug. "Of course I wouldn't miss it for the world." I replied as we smiled like crazy. Maxi and I said goodbye as I walked back into y/bf/n's house for the night.

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