Jethro - Visiting Bondi

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Requested by @Chaos-reigns

Shannon's POV:
It was a nice day so today me and my friends headed down to the beach for the day. We got down to the beach and chose a spot spending a few hours sunbathing before heading down to the water. I headed into the water with my friends and had a little swim. Before i knew it I was getting pulled out further. My friends noticed and went to grab a lifeguard to help me as I was struggling a bit. Jethro always told me not to panic so I didn't.

Jethro's POV:
I headed out into the water to rescue this girl that got stuck and needed my help. I got to the girl and helped her up onto the board. We returned to the shore. "Thank you." She said and that's when I realised it was fiance, Shannon. "Babe what are you doing getting yourself stuck in the water?" I asked her. "Sorry Jeth I knew were I needed to stay but before I knew it I was out there." She told me. I wrapped my arm around her hugging her.

Shannon's POV:
We arrived back to shore for Jethro to finally notice it was me. I apologised and he seem fine with it. "Oh and I got stung by something as it stings." I told him showing him my arm. "Blue bottle sting. Let's get you up to the tower." Jethro said. We walked up to the tower and he sat me down. "Shannon?" Mouse said. "Hey." I said. "What happened?" He asked. "I got stuck out in the water and Jethro came to rescue me and while I was out there I got stung by a blue bottle." I explained. "Here you go." Jethro said handing me some ice to place onto the sting. Jethro took a chair placing it next to mine placing his arm around me. "Thank you." I said resting my head on his shoulder. We stayed like this for a bit until it was time for Jethro to get back to work. "Right, I'll see you later." Jethro said kissing the top of my head. "Ok see you later." I told his as we shared a quick kiss before parting ways.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting.

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