Harrison - It's going to be ok

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Requested by @Papuanqueen04

Baylee's POV:
My basketball team and I have come to Sydney for a tournament. We're 16-18 year olds from Canada. I was excited to compete and also to see Sydney for the first time.

Today was the day before the game. I'm nervous and excited. We all headed down to bondi around 11am for the day and all go surfing/swimming and just to have some fun.

The waves were strong. Me and one of my friends, y/f/n were both standing in the water when this wave came crashing at us. A wave of pain hit me hard. I yelped and one of my friends nearby heard me. "Baylee?" She asked coming over to me. We walked out of the water and I was clutching my arm. "What happened?" She asked. "My shoulder!" I winced in pain. "Let me go get someone." She said running off to find some help. A few tears fell from my cheeks as the pain was too much. "She's over here." I heard my friend say. My friend and two others came over to me. "Hey I'm Harrison and this is Max. What's your name?" Harrison asked. "Baylee." I told him looking down at the ground. "Let's have a look at what you've done." Harrison said taking a look at my shoulder. He looked over at Max. "It's not looking good." He told max. "Right Baylee. We're going to give you some pain relief and then move you up to the tower." Max explained. I nodded my head. "Sounds good to me." I said with a slight laugh them wincing in pain. They handed me this green whistle. "Take this. It will sooth the pain." Harrison said with a smile. I took it from him and took some of it. I felt some of the pain disappear. "Baylee we are going to move you onto the rhino and take you up to the tower." Harrison said. I smiled as they helped me onto the rhino.

They helped me into the tower and onto the medical bed. The pain was still there but from taking the green whistle it took most of it away. "We've called an ambo as you've taken the green whistle but we'll wait for the ambo crew to arrive to pop your shoulder back in." Harrison said. It went quiet. "Hey Baylee. We have some bad news." My coach said walking into the tower with my friend following behind. "Ok?" I said clueless. "Unfortunately you can't play the game tomorrow due to your injury." They told me. I couldn't believe it. I spent hours training for this moment and now I can't play. Tears began to fall down my cheeks. "This isn't fair!" I cried. "Hey Baylee. There's alway next time." Harrison told me. "But I spent hours training for this match and now I can't even play." I added. "Your arm will be back to normal soon. You just need to have your arm checked out to see if there's any further injury." Max said. The tears fell from my cheeks still. "It'll be ok." Harrison said. I smiled weakly as we all waited for the ambo.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

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