All Lifeguards - Beaten

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Requested by @_saphirerose_

Your POV:
I'm a lifeguard down at bondi but I'm more specifically trained as a medic. I'm known as the team medic. Sorta like head medic, sometimes. Anyways, I'm the youngest on the team and all the guys are a few years older than me. They're like big brothers and uncles to me. I look up to them as they're my hero's and also my inspiration. The one thing that I love about them is that they're protective of me and help me out if I'm in a dilemma or if I need help with anything. Even if a guy comes up to me they step in and question them. It can be embarrassing but hey that's what brothers do right. Protective over their younger sister.

We all (most of us anyways) were sat in the tower waiting for a rescue or something else to happen. "So what would you guys say if I told you I have a boyfriend?" I asked instantly regretting what I said because I do have a guy in my life. "Umm I think not!" Reidy said. "I agree with him no way." Deano said. "But why not." I exclaimed. "Well y/n, we don't want you getting hurt and we want you to be protected." Harries said. I sighed. "But what if-." I began but got cut off. "No y/n!" Kerrbox said. I shouldn't of said anything.

Well we all spoke too soon about that one. I soon got into a relationship with this guy, Cameron, who I loved dearly. He was sweet and caring but about a month into our relationship he got very aggressive. Things went down hill from there. If I walked into work with a bruise one of the guys would say, "What happens to you?" They would all stare. "I fell of my bike." I would say lying about it. I couldn't let anyone know what Cameron was doing to me. But day by day I hated walking through the apartment doors. He would be on the sofa drunk out of his mind or high as a kite maybe both, I couldn't quite tell. That's when things got physical. I tried to get out of our relationship but it's hard to walk away from something like this. I never told any of the guys because I didn't want to know how they would react so I kept it quiet.

- - - -

I was on my way to work when I had this eerie feeling that someone was following me. It felt odd. I turned around and saw someone in a black hoodie which was up covering their face. They were heading in my direction and followed me down the footpath and onto the green grass right at the far end of bondi. I'm now scared. I walked as quickly as I could so I wouldn't get attacked. But I thought too soon. Hands were pressed to my back pushing me to the ground as I fell with a thud. My head smacked the ground instantly throbbing with pain. I felt like I was getting hit in multiple places. Shooting pains came over me as whoever's hand/feet came in contact with my body. "I hate you!" The voice said. Cameron. "Worthless." He mentioned. He kept on saying words that I couldn't hear as my vision was going blurry. At one stage I genuinely thought I was going to die. I screamed but then after a while nothing came out. Cameron ran off just as someone came up to me. "Ma'm stay with us. An ambo has been called and is going to be with you shortly." The person said. They checked my pulse and kept talking to me. Blood was dripping down my head and my nose and most places where I had been hit with his fists and shoes. "I can hear the ambo. It's nearly here. Hold on for us." The voice said as I heard the sirens coming closer and closer then all I was was people in blue before my eyes closed and everything went black.


Cameron was violent towards me and I couldn't get away even when I wanted to. "I hate you y/n!" He screamed at me making me flinch. I had my hand held to my cheek as it was stinging from when he hit my face. "You're pathetic and worthless." He said carrying on. I held back the tears to even though I wanted to cry. I couldn't let him see me cry. Cameron left the room and his phone was going off a lot. I looked over seeing some messages from this girl. Then his phone began to ring and her name popped up. I was fuming. He was cheating on me as well. Time to end this. I've been wanting to end this for sometime now but it's hard too. I took a deep breath knowing this isn't going to end well. Cameron walked back into the room. "We're done. We're so done Cameron you cheat. You liar. I hate you!" I screamed grabbing my phone running out of his apartment never turning back.

*End of flashback*

Reidy's POV:
Y/n hadn't turned up for work. She's normally not late. It was slightly worrying. We were waiting another 10 minutes before we would call her to find out where she was. The phone in the tower was ringing so I picked it up to answer it.


Hello is this the lifeguard tower down at bondi?
Yes it is how may we help?
I'm Dr James from Sydney hospital we're calling about Y/n Y/l/n.

My eyes went wide. I put the phone on speaker so the ones who were in the tower could hear what was being said.

Is she ok?
Y/n has a few lacerations and a broken arm. She got beaten up early this morning.
Oh god. She's going to be ok right?
She's stable at the moment but has had a pretty bad accident. Would you mind coming down to the hospital later?
Of course at the end of our shift we'll be straight down.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you. Tell y/n we send her our love.
Of course. Thank you bye.
Thank you bye!

I placed the phone down turning to the ones that were in the tower. They all looked hella pissed off and worried about y/n. I got my radio out and told all the guys on the beach. Their reactions where all over the place. Throughout the day we updated the lads about y/n's condition and soon before we knew it our shift was over and the beach was finally closed for the evening. All of us headed off to the hospital to go see y/n.

Your POV:
My eyes opened and I noticed I was in a room. Beeping noises came from the left hand side of me as I turned my head to see what it was. I'm in a hospital. Loads of thoughts were going through my head. There was a knock at the door and in walked a doctor followed by the guys in blue. "Thank god you're ok y/n! You had us really worried." Reidy said as they all walked in standing around my bed. "What happened?" They asked but they probably knew what had happened and just wanted my side of the story. "From what I can remember I was walking to work and had this eerie feeling that someone was following me then I got attacked by someone." I explained. "Oh god y/n." Mouse said coming over to hug me. "I'm ok. Don't worry." I said to them. "We're always going to worry about you y/n." Harries said making me smile. I realised it was the day after I broke up with him. That is why he came after me. Maxi was pacing up and down the room angry as hell. "Who did this to you y/n?" Maxi asked trying to stay calm. I shook my head. I couldn't tell them. "Y/n if you don't tell us we're not going to get to the end of it." Jethro said. "My- my ex." I stuttered. I looked up seeing them all in shock. "You had a boyfriend." Deano exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell us?" Jackson said. "I-I was scared to tell you because I didn't know how you would react and I-" I cried as the tears fell down my cheeks.

Jethro came over to comfort me. "It's going to be ok y/n." He said holding my hand reassuring me. Mouse had his hands up by his head. They all looked really pissed off. "We need to update the cops." Deano said. "No. No you can't." I said starting to panic. "Hey y/n. Listen to us, they're here to help you nothing's going to happen." Hoppo said comforting me. "But he'll come after me again." I said as I began to cry. "We will make sure he doesn't, we promise." Mouse said in a slight angry tone. Chappo came over to wipe my tears. "Your strong kido." He said kissing the top of my head. And they were right, they kept their promise by keeping me safe.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you like this!


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