Jesse - Hurt

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Requested by @pkmxxn

Bayliee's POV:
There was a guy stuck in back packers so I went in. I paddled as quick as I could but came in contact with someone or something. I got hit by a surfboard as I arrived to the person. I looked down my leg as saw a really big cut on my thigh. "Deano!" I shouted and signalled him so he came out to help me. "I'm hurt. Bad." I said. I held my thigh so I wouldn't bleed out. Deano signalled for someone else to come out and help. He held the guy who we came to rescue up and on his board. Soon Singlets came out to help. "I'm hurt." I said to him showing him my thigh. Deano when back to shore with the guy he saved and got medical help immediately. Singlets and I made it back to the beach as safely as we could as if I let go of my thigh I could potentially bleed out.

Deano's POV:
I ran up to the tower as quick as I could. "We need some medical help when Singlets and Bayliee come back." I said to the ones that were in the tower. Jesse and Harries stood up quickly. "She got hit with a surfboard as she went out for a rescue and I saw the board hit her so I went out to help her with the rescue. I signalled for someone to come out and help her so Singlets is currently with her. She has cut her thigh right near the femoral artery." I explained. I could see the worry in Jesse's face. Him and Harries ran to the rhino as they went down to meet Singlets and Bayliee.

Your POV:
A rhino sped over to were Singlets and I were on the sand. Blood was falling down my leg, only a little bit but it was noticeable. Jesse and Harries jumped out of the rhino with their gloves on and the medical bag ready. I limped over holding my leg. "It hurts like stings." I said in pain. "Let's have a look." Harries said. I slowly moved my hand away showing them but it began to bleed a lot more. I quickly placed my hand back on. Jesse got the bandages ready placing them on my wound. "Damn babe that's bad." He said making me worry a bit. "Is it really that bad. Oh god." I said freaking out a bit. Jesse placed his hand on the bottom of my back rubbing it now and then. "It's going to be ok." He reassured me looking up at me. I looked down at him making eye contact instantly feeling relieved. They put the bandages on my leg to stop the bleeding as best they could. "We're going to bring you up to the tower and we'll wait for an ambo there." Harries said as they all agreed. Jesse picked me up bridal style placing me in the back of the rhino with him.

Singlets sat in the rhino with us looking back making sure I was ok while Harries drove up to the tower. I rested my head into Jesse's chest. "It's going to be ok baby." Jesse said kissing the top of my head. We got to the tower with Jesse and Singlets carrying me up the stairs with Harries following behind. They placed me down on the bed and decided to give me the green whistle to help with the pain. I began to take it and it tasted horrible but did some wonders. Thank god. Soon the ambo arrived cleaning my wound and dressing it. Jesse was by my side throughout the changing of the dressing. Jesse helped me into the ambulance hopping in with me as he came to the hospital with me.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Feel free to request again! Hope you like this.


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