Jackson - Parents

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Jackson's POV:
My beautiful girlfriend and I have recently celebrated our 5th anniversary of being together. I love her to bits. We met on her first shift working as a lifeguard. She was beautiful and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. There was something about her that made her special to me. About a few months of getting to know one another the two of us began dating but all the other guys that work with us weren't surprised. They knew the two of us would end up together one way or another.

- - - -

Jackson left early for work that morning leaving me with a kiss before he headed off. I was starting two hours later. I made my way to the tower and got greeted by Hopo. "Hey, y/n." He said with a smile. "Hey, Hoppo." I said with a smile. "Where do you want me today?" I asked. "Down south end with Jethro." He said. "Okie dokie." I said walking through the tower grabbing my radio. "Hey, baby." Jackson said. He was sat down so I gave him a quick hug before grabbing my radio and heading down to the south end of the beach were Jethro was. The teo of us got talking until one of our radios went off. It was mine.

*bondi central to y/n*

*yes Joel*

*Jackson won't shut up about the two of you*

I rolled my eyes.


I questioned.

*there's someone in the rip just in front of you that needs rescuing*

I placed my radio down, taking my blue shirt off and grabbing my board before heading into the water rescuing the person.

Your POV:
I've been feeling sick but not really sick for about a week now. I have been sick a few times as well. Jackson thinks it was something I ate. I just have to agree with him. Also, my period is about a week late so that also could be why I'm being sick in the mornings. My eyes went wide. I could be pregnant?! Oh god. I-I Im not ready to be a mum. What if im a bad one? What if Jackson leaves me? Oh, god! Jackson was working for the day as I had the day off. He was finishing early as we were heading off to his parents in Queensland for a week. I had some pregnancy sticks in the draw from last time when I thought I was pregnant. Jackson was there with me when I took the test to the result. We both were devastated but we just weren't ready to be parents. The test was in my hands and I did what I had to do for it to tell me the result. I held up the stick seeing the words 'pregnant' pop between my eyes. I can't tell Jackson just yet. "Babe you ready to head off now. My are probably going to wonder why we're going to be late." Jackson said from the door. I chuckled. "I'm coming." I said quickly stuffing the stick in my pocket then making my way out of the house and into the car. We're currently in Queensland visiting Jackson's parents. We're staying with them for about a week. It was the first evening of staying at his parents. "Hey y/n, do you want a glass of wine?" His mum offered. "Ummm no sorry. I'll just have some water if that's ok." I said making them turn to face me. "But babe you always have a glass of wine." Jackson said. "I just feel like having water tonight." I said to them. They nodded their heads not commenting about it anymore.

A few more nights had passed and I just asked for water every time I got offered a glass of wine. They're all probably wondering why I keep wanting water. I was in the kitchen drinking some water when his mum walked into the room. Jackson was at the table reading something. "Y/n can I have a word?" Jackson's mum says. Jackson was standing behind me. "Alone." She hinted and Jackson kissed my cheek them walked off. "Are you pregnant?" She asked. I looked at her shocked. "I am pregnant." I said quietly even though Jackson was not even around. "I can tell. You always have a glass of wine with us but you're drinking water now. Also, I heard you this morning in the bathroom. Morning sickness. God that was the worst?!" She added. "Congrats sweetie. You and Jackson are going to be great parents. I'm going to be a grandparent. I can't wait. How far along are you? Does Jackson know?" She said all excited. "I'm about 6 weeks along." I said. "Aww, girl." His mum said making me smile. "Let me go congratulate Jackson." She said walking off. "Wait?!" I said and she turned around. "He doesn't know." I told her looking at the ground. "Y/n, why haven't you told him." She asked pulling me in for a hug. "I-I don't know. I guess I was scared of what his reaction would be." I mumbled. "Darling he would be over the moon to hear this! Tonight you're going to tell him. We're going to have a family meal and you can announce it then." She explained. I smiled and nodded.

- - - -

The even fastly approached and all of us were sat at the table with the meal, which was half-finished, in front of us. Jackson's mum looked at me with a smile. I took a deep breath. "Jackson, I have something to tell you," I told him making him smile at me. "I'm going, to be honest here. I was scared to tell you and what your reaction would be. It's... It's-." I began to explain. "Baby what is it?" He asked kissing my hand. "I'm pregnant!" I said as Jackson's face lit up. "I'm going to be a dad?" He said with the biggest smile on his face. I nodded my head. "Yes!!" He exclaimed pulling me into a hug. "I love you so much y/n." He said kissing my lips. "Congrats to you both." His dad said happily. He gave me a hug and then his mum gave me one too.

Our stay came to an end. We said bye to his parents, them congratulating us again as we left. The two of us headed back to Bondi where the next day we planned on telling the lads. Jackson and I made our way to the tower where the usual ones were at. "Hey, guys!" Harries said. "Hey." Jackson and I said. We looked at one another. "Y/n's pregnant!" Jackson said. Everyone in the tower looked at the two of us. "Congrats guys!" Reidy said coming over to hugs us both. "Ayyy! Jacko's gonna be a dad! And we can't forget that y/n's gonna be a mum." Maxi said with the biggest smile on his face. All of them congratulated us both and said somethings. I can't wait to meet our baby.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you like this.

-Vicki 🌸

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