Deano - Anxiety

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Requested by @notsosaneteen

Your POV:
I've been so stressed recently as I have so much work to do and I'm just bottling it up and not speaking to someone. Deano knows about my anxiety and the attacks I have. He's always been there with me through them and helping me clam down. I thought i would take a break from it all and take a trip down to the beach. Today was a nice day and the sun was shining brightly. It was also quite hot today which isn't unusual for Australia as its always hot here. Deano was at work as he works as a lifeguard down at Bondi.

As I got closer to the beach I realised it was a semi-busy day here. There was a free spot near the tower so I made my way to that spot placing my things down and sitting there. I spent a good few hours sunbathing (as us English call it). I scrolled through my phone and clicked on my notes to reveal and list of the things that I needed to complete. I realised that I completely missed out a whole chunk of work to complete. It was stressing me out a bit. What am I going to do now? My boss is going to sack me. I can't have that. I need this job. It's the job that I've dreamed of my whole life. My heart began to race and I felt a little light-headed. This was a sign of my anxiety attack coming on. I felt my airways begin to feel like they were closing and I struggled to breathe a bit. It was best if I made my way up to the tower thinking Deano was up there. Every step up to the tower I would gasp for air. I got to the top of the stairs and Reidy noticed me. "Abbie?" He said coming closer to me placing a hand on my back. "I *gasp* can't *gasp* breathe *gasp*." I struggled to say. "Ok, we're going to help you." Reidy said helping me into the tower. He bought me up to the chairs sitting me down with the others. "Abbie take deep breaths," Reidy said kneeling down in front of me. I tried but I couldn't do it. "I think we need the oxy mate." Reidy said to Gonzo. He jumped up and got the oxygen ready for me. "Any updates on were Deano is?" Singlets asked. "He's on his way over now." He heard Chappo say.

Deano's POV:
My radio went off.

*bondi central to deano*

*come in mate*

*we have Abbie up in the tower having what looks like an anxiety attack. She's struggling to breathe so we've got oxy on her*

*alright thanks mate, im making my way up now*

Harries nodded and I made my way up to the tower to see Abbie.

Abbie's POV:
Deano came running over and came down to my level. He placed my head on his chest and a hand placed on my head the other at the bottom of my back rubbing it a little. "Deep breaths Abbie." Deano said. Even though he was talking to the others I listened to his voice just focusing in on it. "In and out. In and out." He said calming me down. Deano looked in my eyes and we focused on one another's for a while until my breathing got somewhat better. My chest did hurt due to me gasping and struggling to get oxygen in my lungs for a while. The ambo arrived and the paramedics came in to give me a check over. They did obs on me and they were happy with how I was feeling now. "We're happy with the state you're in now. You're looking better now than you did when we arrived." One of the medics said. "Thank you." Deano said and I said after. They left and I'm so glad I could breathe again. "I think I'm going to take you home." Deano said to me. I smiled. We both thanked each one of the lifeguards that helped me through my anxiety attack. Soon enough Deano and I arrived back home where we spent the next few hours of the evening watching tv in one another's arms before falling asleep and ready for the next day.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!


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