Chappo - In the surf

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Requested by @IBelongtoTB1

Sakura's POV:
I'm a 21 years old and I have a heart rhythm disorder called Brugada Syndrome type two. I try not let it get to me and do the things I love but unfortunately somedays it causes me to go unconscious and honestly it's the worst but without it I wouldn't be who I am today.

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My boyfriend who is a lifeguard down at bondi beach left early for work that morning leaving me by myself. He has early shifts in the mornings and then finishes at 4pm sometimes depending. As he left he gave me a quick kiss then saying the 3 words he always says before he leaves the house in the mornings, "I love you!" It would leave a big smile on my face. I love him so much. It was a nice day down at bondi so I thought I would spend the day at the beach surfing and having fun. I love bondi.

I made my way to the beach with my surfboard by my side. I was already in my surfing gear ready to head out in the surf. I sent Chappo a text to tell him that I was coming down to the beach today. He would get so worried when he wasn't with me. I know he would be looking out for me. I got to the beach and it was busy like always. I paddled out catching some waves and having a blast when I began to not feel so good. My heart felt odd and I couldn't quite understand. I felt light headed. A wave came over so I thought I'd give it a go riding it. So I did but as the wave went I fell and my world completely went black.

Chappo's POV:
I was watching from the tower when Sakura went surfing. Her condition meant that it could happen anytime. So I kept and eye on her. She was surfing when she fell off but didn't re-surface for what felt like minutes but was only 60 seconds. I immediately knew what was going on.

*chappo to rhino... we have a girl in the surf which I'm heading out to now*

*ok Will and Jethro will be backing you up*

I heard them say I took of my top and chucked it down to the ground with my radio. I grabbed a board and headed out as quick as I could. I paddled as quick as I could to her with Jethro and Will following behind me. A surfer from near by was holding her up on his surfboard. She was unconscious when we got to her so I did the 3 pumps in the air towards the tower just in case she needed the defib. She had a faint pulse but thankfully was still alive and her breathing was very shallow. With the help from the four of us we got her safely onto my board. "It's going to be ok Sakura." I said stroking her head. "Do you know her?" Jethro asked. "Yeah she's my girlfriend." I said and soon paddled back to shore. We got her off of the board and onto the sand far away from the water as we could. Just as we were about to place the defib on her we heard a massive gasp followed by coughing. She came around. Thank lord for that. "You're ok. You're ok." I said reassuring her that she was alright. She began to cough up water. "Let it out." I added. We kept the defib just in case she went unconscious on us again and if she stopped breathing.

*chappo to central*

*come in chappo*

*update on the patient, 21 year old female, her name is Sakura Yamazaki and has a heart rhythm disorder called Brugada syndrome. She is now conscious but was unconscious when we got to her. Her breathing is fine and her heart rhythm is back to normal. How long till the ambo gets here*

*just updating the abmo now and it is 10 minutes away*

I sighed in relief. She's ok for now. I was genuinely scared that we were going to loose her. That was scary. The ambo soon arrived taking Sakura to the hospital. I told her I would come see her after my shift that day. I'm so glad we got to her in time.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you like this!


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