Glick - Tragedy

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Requested by @maimia101

Your POV:
Today was just an average day down here at bondi. Busy and a lot of rescues to do. I was down in south end with Glick (aka my boyfirend). Hoppo normally doesn't put us together but today he did. We have to be professional with this which we are but it's kinda hard when you're a couple aha.

I saw this girl going under so I took no chances and grabbed my board heading out into the water. The waves were crashing against my board as I paddled as fast as I could to her. I saw her going under and as I got to her she went under. The option for me was to go under so I got off of my board and swam down into the water. She was about 3m down but I had to swim further under her. I swam under her pushing her up to the surface. I was under for about a minute but it felt like ages. Luckily someone was there to pull her up. I got to the surface and got back on my board slightly exhausted from putting all my energy into saving her. I looked up seeing Glick on the sand standing there holding his radio looking worried.

Glick's POV:
Y/n got out of the rhino and ran to the water paddling as fast as she could. She arrived at the patient from what I could see. I saw Y/n go under causing me to jump out of the rhino to see what was going on. My stomach dropped.

*Glick to central... y/n has gone under*

*Harrison is in the water now and near y/n and the patient*

Jehtro said. I'm so glad someone went out.

Your POV:
Harrison was the one who pulled the girl up. I did swallow some water as I started to cough. In the corner of my eyes I saw Harrison do 3 pumps in the air. Jackson came by on his board soon followed by Dylan. Jackson was helping Harrison while Dylan came over to me. "Hey y/n. Are you ok?" Dylan asked coming to my side. "I swallowed *cough* some water." I said coughing. Some near by surfers who were near by helped us bring back this girl. Dylan helped me as we all got this girl back as quickly as we could. I came out of the water after saving the girl who drowned still coughing some water up.

Harrison's POV:
We got the girl our immediately carrying on CPR as she went unconscious when she went under water. The defib was right there for us as we got to the sand and placing it on the girl. She only looked like she was in her early twenties. So young. The defib shocked her when they had too and a we carried on CPR. An ambo was called the minute I did those 3 pumps in the air so luckily the paramedics weren't far away. They soon arrived helping us work on the patient. We worked on her for a good 15 minutes with the ambo crew. "She has a pulse!" One of the paramedics said. I sighed as we saved her for now. That was lucky. Soon the young girl was on her way to hospital and when she left all our attention turned to y/n.

Your POV:
I was out the water and watched the girl who was out of the water way before I was. Well about 2 minutes before me. I hope she's ok. Glick came over to me placing a hand on my back and I grabbed his arm. I bent over coughing. "Y/n you need some oxygen." Glick said holding his radio to his mouth.

*Glick to central... we need some more oxygen down here*

*Mouse is coming down with it now*

My head hurt a little. "I think I'm going to pass out." I said feeling like about to go. Glick held his arms out as I drifted out into them. He gently placed me on the sand putting me in the recovery position. I soon came around just as Mouse was placing the oxygen over my face. "This should help." He said with a small smile. I looked up seeing at least 7 lifeguards by me that's including Mouse and Glick. Hoppo was by my head with his radio giving them updates. Glick has his hand on my hip rubbing it as he reassured me. Mouse was holding the oxygen mask by my face while Jackson and Dylan dealt with the crowd. Singlets and Harrison were by me helping out Mouse with what medical bits that they needed to do.

An ambo was called for me. Soon they arrived coming down to us and then started doing obs on me. Once they were happy with everything they got me loaded onto the ambulance before taking me to hospital due to the amount of water that I swallowed. Glick came with me so I had him by my side throughout.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you like this! Feel free to request again.


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