All lifeguards/Harrison - opened up

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Requested by exclipsht

Zoe's POV:
After a few rough years I've decided to move on and become a lifeguard down at bondi. I'm loving it here and I'm glad I made this decision after a traumatic experience.

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It was a new day down at bondi. The beach was busy as per usual. I was sat in the rhino with mouse on the look out. "I think I see someone." He said standing up pointing to where they were. "She's struggling." He said. "I'll go." I said taking my blue shirt off. I ran grabbing my board in the process and paddling as fast as I could to the lady. "Come one Zoe." I muttered to myself. She went under just as I was a few meters away. I approached her pulling her up to the surface. She wasn't responding. I quickly checked for a pulse not finding one and immediately performed CPR. I raised my arm pumping it 3 times in the air. Mouse and Deano were soon in the water heading out towards me to help get the lady back to shore. Harries, Maxi and Troy were already waiting for us with the defib ready for us to arrive back. Reidy and Jake were also making their way down to help. We got her back to shore and Harries took over the CPR for me and Maxi placed the defib pads onto her as we got her down onto the sand away from the water.

I stood back watching them take over. It was horrible not being able to help. The paramedics kept on with the CPR and with the defib. They did this for what felt like forever. They did what they could and all of a sudden a long bleeping sound went off indicating the flat line. "I'm sorry but she's gone." One of the paramedics said softly. All what was ringing in my ears and flooding my mind was the flat line of the machine going off. "Oh god." I said in shock placing my hand over my mouth. I felt hands on my shoulders pulling me back. I turned my head seeing Hoppo standing there. "Come on let's get you out of here." He said walking me towards the tower. We walked in and Harrison was the only one in the tower. About 5 minutes later a few of the others walked in. "Zoe what's going on?" Harrison asked slightly concerned.

I looked over at Hoppo and he gave a a small nod. "I haven't been completely honest with you guys." I began to say. They looked at me. "Take your time with this Zoe." Hoppo told me. "I was a former marines special forces personnel. I lost my best friend Rachel in afghanistan and I couldn't save her. It hurts me everyday. At the end of my mission I quit the marines and came back here." I said as I cried. "Hey Zoe. We're all by your side and always will be. Don't be scared to come speak to us we'll listen and I know what you just experienced was a shock and bring back memories but we'll all get through this together." Chappo said coming over giving me a side hug. I smiled softly. "Thank you all for understanding." I told them. Hoppo have us all a few words after just experiencing what just happened on the beach.

Harrison walked over to me. "I'm proud of you Zoe." He said hugging me tightly. I'm glad they accept me for who I am.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

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