Noah - Valentines Day

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Your POV:
I woke up next to the man of my dreams. Noah. He was peacefully sleeping when I woke up. I moved a little bit to get more comfortable then he moved and woke up. I heard him groan then mumble something. He stretched. "Morning babe." He mumbled in his morning voice. "Morning." I said back with a smile. Noah wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer too him than I already was. I love this boy. We have been together for 3 years now. We started dating when we were about 15, we're now 18/19. They have been the best 3 years of my life so far and I hope we make more memories in the future.

We both stayed like this for a while before the door opened. "Up you get sleepy heads." Noah's flat mate said walking into the room. I rolled my eyes wanting to spend some more time with him so I got off his bed. Noah jumped up after me and followed me out to the living room/kitchen area. After we ate some breakfast, I told Noah I was going to take a shower. Soon after, I came out and changed into a nice top and a pair of ripped jean shorts. I put my hair up in a bun which was a bit messy but I didn't care, at least it was out of my face.

After getting ready for the day, I walked back into the living room. "Babe. I forgot to say Happy Valentines day." Noah said handing me a card. I looked up at him smiling. I opened it and read what was inside. To Y/N, Happy Valentines day babe. Hope you have a good one. I have a surprise for you later. I love you so much. Noah xxx. I smiled tearing up a little then closing the card. How did I ever deserve someone like him. I gave Noah a big hug. "I have a little something for you too. Wait here." I said walking out of the room and returning with my present. I handed him a card and a small teddy bear holding a heart. Noah took a moment to read the card. "Aww babe. I love you so much." He said kissing me slowly. I smiled into the kiss and blushed when we pulled away.

- - - -

Unfortunately Noah had to work today so I couldn't spend the day with him watching movies and spending time with one another. When he left, I sat down on the bedroom floor next to the bed and pulled out from underneath, a box filled with photos and memories that Noah and I had made over the years we've been together. It bought back all the memories we made. I found a photo of us, Noah was kissing my cheek and I was smiling towards the camera as he took the photo. I flipped the photo around and saw Noah's writing on the back. I never saw that before. It said:

To the love of my life, Y/n, my parents always told me to follow my dreams and my dream is to marry you one day. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much baby. From the guy who is madly in love with you, Noah xxx

Noah's POV:
Today was a big day and I was so nervous. I kept bouncing my leg up and down. "Noah what's going on mate?" Maxi asked. "I'm just nervous for later tonight as I have something planned for y/n." I explained. Maxi stared at me with wide eyes. "No way." He said and I smiled then nodded my head. "So I'll need help with making a sign and all us lifeguards to come together later today." I added. "Well we better start working on it then." Maxi said and we both got to work.

Your POV:
Later that day I received a text from Noah to meet him down at the beach before sunset, my favourite time of the day. So I did. I made my way down as the sun began to set. The beach looked empty but there was a few people who were still there. Clearly the lifeguards had packed up for the evening. Noah didn't exactly state where I should meet him so I headed to the tower. I knocked on the door and shortly it opened. "Ah Y/n, we've been expecting you!" Harries said letting me in. It was only Harries and Deano in the tower. "I've come to meet Noah. He told me to meet him here before sunset." I said. They nodded their heads. "Why don't you come with us?" They both said locking up the tower and the three of us went on a walk. They told me they were taking me somewhere but weren't going to say exactly where it was. Which was fair enough. I trusted them, of course, so I followed next to them, one either side of me.

The sky had mixed colours containing, blue, purple, pink, orange, red and yellow. It was so beautiful. My eyes went back to the sand and soon enough I saw rose petals scattered in a line leading to somewhere. We walked further up the beach near the tower where a circle of the rose petals were. We got closer and there was an arch with fairy lights. It was beautiful. All the lifeguards were standing at the top of the circle smiling. There was no sign of Noah until he popped out from behind them all. Harries and Deano joined the long line of lifeguards.

Noah walked over to me taking my hands and placing them in his. I smiled at him looking him in the eyes. "I love you so much Y/N." He said before kissing my hands. It was romantic. But I totally forgot about all the other lifeguards that were here as I got lost in Noah's eyes. He began to talk. "We've been together for 3 years now and they have been the best years of my life. The memories we've made are ones I'm sure to keep and to tell the kids about in the future of how mummy and daddy met. I love you so much y/n. The first time we met was amazing because I met an angel and I immediately knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Our first date was magical and out first kiss was what I dreamt of for ages and I've been wanting to relive that moment over and over again. It was the best few seconds of my life. I'm glad I asked you to be mine as I would never of found someone like you. I've asked around and the people I asked said go for it as they can see that we make each other happy. That's what I'm here for today. But the best thing of my life it this..." Noah said. He spun me around and all the others were holding up a sign which said 'Y/n, will you marry me?' My hands moved to cover my mouth. Noah got down on one knee. "Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?" Noah asked opening the small box in his hand showing me the most beautiful ring. "Yes. Yes of course." I said letting happy tears slip. Noah placed the ring on my finger and stood up engulfing me in his arms picking me up. We shared a kiss for a long time. There were cheers from behind from the others. I giggled and buried my head into Noah's shoulder. Even though we're young, we have a bond which has got stronger over the years. I love him so much.

A/n: this has to be my favourite one so far!

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