Jesse - Sister

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Your POV:
My brother is Harrison Reid. He's a lifeguard down at bondi beach. I love him so much and he's a great brother to me. He also can be protective depending on what the guy is like and if he likes him. Typical brothers. He's one of a kind.

Today was an exciting day for me. Harrison promised me ages ago he would do this. He's flying me over to meet his team. I've always wanted to meet them all. Harrison mentions this all the time how he wants me to meet them when he FaceTimes me. I do miss him. He's shown me pictures of who's who but I kinda knew who some of them were as 1) he posts photos of him and the other lifeguards and 2) I watch the show as it's really good.

I took an early flight which got in at 6am Australian time. Harrison was there to pick me up as I was staying at his for a few days (a week). We haven't seen each other in months because he's just so busy with work. I walked out of the gate I was designated to and headed in the direction that Harrison said he was going to be. He was right of course as I saw him standing there with the biggest smile on his face. I smiled so much. "I missed you." I said as I got closer to him. "I missed you too y/n." He said hugging me. The two of us headed back to his apartment before getting ready for the day ahead. Bare in mind Harrison took the day off so he could spend time with me which was so sweet of him to do so.

We stayed at home for about an hour or so so I got settled. As we left I was nervous for some reason. "They'll love you." Harrison said as we walked down to the beach and towards the tower. We made it to the tower walking in. "Hey guys." Harrison said walking over to the all. I walked out from behind him smiling. "Hey I'm y/n." I said smiling and waving at them. "Hey, I'm Mouse." The guy with the hat on his head said while giving me a hug. I smiled at him. "Hi I'm Jesse. Nice to meet you Y/N." He said with a wink then getting up to give me a hug. Wow. Three more people came into the tower. "Hi I'm Jethro. You must be Y/N." He said also giving me a hug. They all give good hugs. "I'm Harries." He said. "Y/N." I told him then we gave each other a hug. "I'm Maxi." He told me. "I'm Y/N." I told him then he gave me a hug. They're so nice. "I just need to pop off somewhere will you be ok here y/n?" Harrison said. "Yeah I'll be fine." I said with a smile.

Harrison left the tower. Jesse moved a chair in my direction and I took a seat next to him. I sat down and waited for someone to speak or start a conversation. "Your really pretty." Jesse whispered into my ear which made me blush. We all got talking. "So y/n do you have a man in your life?" Maxi asked. "Nope. I'm single." I admitted. "Aww." He said. I smiled. We got into some deep conversations and spent what felt like ages talking to one another. It felt like I already knew them all properly before today.

I needed to go to the bathroom but I wasn't sure where they were. "Umm silly question. Where's the toilets?" I asked. "Just across the road. I'll show you." Jesse said as we both headed towards the door. "Right over there." He said pointing to where they were. "Oh my it had a big sign above it. How did I not know that?!" I said giggling. "It's all good." Jesse said letting me walk across the road.

Jesse's POV:
I returned to my chair getting stares from the others. "What?" I asked. "You like her don't you?" Jethro said. I smiled to myself. "I don't know what you're on about." I said acting like I didn't know but I clearly did. "Oh come on Jesse! We could see it in your eyes and the way you were acting. It was pretty obvious don't ya think." Mouse said. "Yes I like her but no one and I mean no one can tell Harrison." I stated with them all agreeing after me. I got up and headed out the tower to go find y/n.

Your POV:
I went to find the bathroom as I needed to use it. Soon I found it and did what I had to do. When I finished I came out and walked back over to the tower. As I was walking to the door, I walked into someone. I looked up and saw it was Jesse. "Oh um... sorry." I said nervously. "It's fine. Honestly." He said smiling at me. It went silent. "Jesse I think you're-." ... "Y/n I like-." The two of us said at the same time. "Carry on." Jesse said. "You go first." I smiled. "Y/N. Even though we only just met I think your sweet and really pretty. Maybe one day we could get to know each other more and I could take you out to lunch or something." He told me. "I would love too. I think your sweet too." I said to him which made his face light up. Jesse smiled so much which made me smile because I knew he was happy. He had a cute smile, I could fall for that any day and I think I just did.

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