Jake - Phone Call

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Your POV:
I was packing my bag to go to England as I planned this trip months ago. I was going there to visit my family for a few months. Jake and I have had a few arguments to the build-up to this trip of mine. It's basically Jake doesn't want me to go and leave him. He feels like I'm going to find someone else and forget about him which isn't true, he knows that. I love him. We're hardly spending time with one another at the moment and it's breaking me a bit because im leaving soon.

It was early morning (around 5 am) and I was up being sick once again. Jake started work early today so he got up around half 5/6. I haven't told Jake about my morning sickness because he definatley wouldn't want me to go. "Babe are you ok? You look pale." Jake told me. As if I didn't know that already. "I'm fine." I snapped. "Ok. Ok. Just saying." He said throwing his hands in the air. I rolled my eyes as Jake not only saw me do that he also walked out of the room. About 30 minutes passed and Jake was about to leave. "I'll see you later babe before you head off to the airport." Jake said pressing his lips to mine. "See you later." I replied as he left. I'm going to miss him.

Jake's POV:
It was my lunch break and I was sat in the tower with the others. The radio that I was carrying was in front of me just in case. My phone went off and it was Y/n.


Hey babe

Jake, please tell me the truth

What are you on about?

These photos I found of you with girls. Are you cheating on me?

I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

No babe I would never do that to you


We hardly spend time together anymore

Y/n I don't really want to talk about this right now can we talk about it when I get home.

No Jake

What is wrong with you today? You've been so moody with me and I hate it. I haven't done anything!

You would understand if you were in my shoes. Just go away, Jake


Oh and by the way, I'm pregnant with your child.

Before I knew it she hung up the phone. I was in shock. *Well that was awkward* was said over the radio. I placed my head in my hands and regretted everything I did. "Sorry lads I need to go." I said getting up and running home. I got there and y/n was nowhere to be seen. She's gone. There was a piece of paper on the countertop which caught my attention. It was from y/n and it read:


As I'm writing this I'm on a plane to England as I was going there for a few months as you know. I believe that you didn't cheat on me but from the look on those photos, it looked like you did. There's no need for me to be moody or angry with you and that's my fault. I'm sorry. Just know that I love you. Here's a scan of your baby which I thought you would want to see *photo of baby scan*. I hope we'll meet again but for now, it see you later not goodbye.

Love y/n and bump.

Tears fell down my cheeks. This can't be happening. I tried to phone her but it went straight to voice mail. I tried again and again. "Please baby?!" I muttered as it went to voicemail again. I just have to accept her decision and carry on with what I'm doing. I'm always going to love her and I'm not going to lose her or my child.

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