Reidy - Morning Sickness

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Your POV:
After telling Reidy the news he has been over the moon. He's already super excited but we have a load of hurdles to get over first before we meet our little one. A few days have passed and he's been none stop going on about how excited he is. It's cute seeing him like that. We've told all his work mates (aka the lifeguards). They're all so happy for us.

Now being a month into my pregnancy I've definitely began to show some signs. I've had morning sickness a lot and I mean a lot (like badly). Somedays I get through and can cope with it but other days I just need that extra help from Reidy. He's so helpful when it comes to this.

It's a new day and started off well. Reidy had his arm wrapped around me as we slept. My eyes shot open when my stomach turned. I felt sick. I tried to get his arm off of me as I needed to get to the bathroom. "Reidy I'm going to be sick." I told him getting out of bed and running into the bathroom. I emptied my stomach out into the toilet again. I felt Reidy's hand rub my back and his other hand held my hair back as I emptied my stomach out. I groaned. "Just let it out babe." He whispered rubbing my back. I felt so tired. "I hate this." I said placing my hand to my forehead. "Babe it's all going to be worth it at the end." He reminded me again. I smiled and got up to wipe my face. I brushed my teeth with Reidy helping me. "Let's get you back to bed." Reidy said wrapping his arms around me and helping me up then getting into bed again.

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