Maxi - Break Up

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Your POV:
I cried myself to sleep that night. The bed felt bare without him. I needed him but something stupid had to get it the way of the two of us. I can't believe what just happened. A one year relationship thrown away like trash. My heart has broken into a million pieces.

*Earlier that day*

I was sat on the beach minding my own business when a guy came up to me. He was really nice and not some complete weirdo that makes you feel uncomfortable. The two of us started to talk for a while. We spent the day talking to one another and it felt like we had been friends of years.

Maxi didn't say a word to me on the way home. I have no idea why but we soon made our way into my apartment. I just placed my bag down by the sofa when he walked into the room. He looked kinda angry. "Y/n who was that guy you were talking to today one the beach?" He asked. "A friend." I said. "To me it didn't look like it." He stated. "Come on Maxi." I said not wanting to start an argument. "The way he looked at you." Maxi added. "Maxi were just friends. It means nothing." I tried to explain. "Don't lie to me y/n! I know what I saw." He said raising his voice a little. I jumped a bit. "Maxi it's not what it looks like! We were only just chatting to one another and nothing else happened between us." I explained. He shook his head. "Then why do you have this?" He asked pulling out a piece of paper with the guys number written on it. "He's just a friend. What part of friend don't you quite get Maxi?" I asked really annoyed at this point.

Maxi paced around the room in anger. "You know what. If you're going to go round and get guys numbers then I'm done." Maxi said. I gasped a little. "Well I'm done too." I said. Really I didn't mean it but it was just in the heat of the moment. "I'm done with our relationship. I'll come collect my things in the morning." He said grabbing his phone and leaving my apartment shortly after. Once the door had shut, I placed my hand over my mouth and bawled my eyes out. This didn't just end.

Maxi's POV:
I walked into the tower not feeling myself today. "What's up Maxi?" Jesse said as I walked into the tower. "Nothing." I said. I took a seat next to him and began to look out at the ocean. "Maxi I know you're lying to us." Jesse said still looking through his binoculars. "Me and y/n broke up last night. We got in an argument about some guy who gave his number to her. I got over protective and flipped. I shouldn't have but now I've lost everything! She's my world." I said on the verge of tears. This was harder than I thought. "I'm going to go out on the beach and help with the rescues to take my mind of things." I said taking my radio and heading down the one of the rhinos.

Many hours and a load of rescues later I headed up to the tower. "Mate I have a plan." Jesse said as I walked through the door. "A plan for what?" I asked. "You know? To get y/n back?!" He exclaimed. "Right ok?" I said a little confused. This was when he pulled out his phone and began to call her.

Your POV:
I woke up with an empty bed this morning. It felt odd as I kept thinking Maxi was there. But unfortunately he wasn't. I decided to clean the apartment to clear my mind and distract me from everything that has happened. That was immediately a bad idea. As Maxi has been staying with me for the past 6 months (on and off as he sometimes goes back to his shared flat but I was going to ask him to move in with me permanently in a few days but it looks like it isn't going to happen) some of his things were on the floor and all over the apartment. Where I was on the floor (I was kneeling down to clean the floor/surrounding area) there was a pile of his things which I decided to tidy up even though it wasn't in a mess but tears began to form in my eyes. That's when I realised he was gone forever. Why did I have to take that guys number?! Well in the moment we were friends (and still are) but thinking of it now... I better stop thinking of it as it'll keep flooding the memories back into my head.

*phone rings*

I quickly get up to answer my phone. Jesse's name pops up on the screen. I quickly answer.

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