Jethro - together?

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Your POV:
Jethro and I are just best friends. A load of people think we're secretly together but really we're not. I swear. I headed over to Jethro's for the evening as we were having a movie night with Joel and Jackson. I knocked on the door waiting for an answer. The door opened revealing a smiley Jethro. As I walked in I got greeted by Jackson and Joel. Once they said hi Jethro hugged me tightly. He gives great hugs.

I took my coat off and Jethro took it from me hanging it up. "How was work?" I asked them munching on some popcorn. "It was really busy which is no surprise but yeah we pulled through." Jackson said looking between Jethro and Joel. "Let's get movie night started." Joel insisted. I went to collect the blankets and came back into the living room. "What movie shall we watch?" I asked. "I don't mind." I said. "Let's watch a romcom." Joel suggested. "Love, Rosie or Mamma Mia?" I suggested. (a/n: I'm not sure if you have these movies in Australia but let's say you do aha!). "Love, Rosie." Joel said shrugging his shoulders. Jackson and Jethro didn't say anything. "Love, Rosie it is." I said grabbing the remote placing Netflix on and turning the movie on.

We all got snacks and got situated on the sofa's. Jethro and I sat on a sofa together, of course. Jethro had his arm around my shoulder and my head resting on his chest with my hand resting above his heart. I would feel his arm tighten around my shoulder and press a soft kiss to my forehead when Jackson or Joel would make some sort of joke about the movie.

There was laughter and a bit of shouting at the tv. The movie was near the end. "Aw, are you two finally together?" Jackson asked as he looked over at the two of us. I could feel Jeff's heart beat quicken and his muscles tense. I brushed off the question with a giggle. "Not yet Jackson. Not yet." I replied smiling up and Jeff.

A/n: I've written the final parts to this book already just waiting to post them all now 🥺 it's nearly finished 😭 but hey book 2 coming soon??

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