Jake - Tower

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Requested by @hazelsmith1994

Your POV:
Marriage. It can be a scary thing for some. For me, it kinda was because it meant I was growing up and it was finally time to follow my dream. BUT I married the love of my life and my soulmate. We had such a beautiful ceremony with all our friends and family. Of course Jake invited all the lifeguards which I didn't mind at all. I love them all. We've been married for about 5 years and they have been the best. Jake and I have always wanted kids but over the past 5 years, we've both been super busy with work and other bits and bobs.


Jake was at work today and I haven't been feeling so good recently so I thought maybe this could be the day that changes our lives forever. I walked into the bathroom and went into the cupboard grabbing a pregnancy test out of the box. I smiled to myself. I did what I had to do for the test and set a timer on my phone waiting anxiously. Before I knew it the timer was going off making me take a deep breath turning it off and then I quickly turned the test over. Pregnant +3 Oh my days! The front door opened. "Honey I'm home!" Jake called through the house. I walked through to go see him.

He smiled as he walked towards me

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He smiled as he walked towards me. "I have something to tell you." I told him. He gave me a look. I took his hand leading him to the sofa. "I would say I'm scared." He said sarcastically. "Jake?" I said in a serious tone and that's when he knew I was being serious. He held my hand. I reached into my pocket pulling out the test. Jake looked down and took the test from my hands. "Are you pregnant?" He said in shock. I nodded my head. "Yes." I said tearing up. He was also tearing up. "Oh my. We're going to be parents." He exclaimed pulling me into his arms. Jake placed his hand on my stomach. "I can't wait to meet you bean." He said making me look in awe.

- - - -

I'm now in the final days of my pregnancy. I've had my good days and my bad days but now I'm getting somewhat fed up now. My bag was over my shoulder as I walked well actually I waddled down to the tower to see Jake. I walked into the tower holding my stomach as I did. "Hey baby. You're looking good today." Jake said coming over kissing me in the process. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." I said with a smirk. I had pains in my stomach when I woke up so today could be the day.

Jake got me to sit on his lap. The pains in my stomach felt odd. Jake has his hand on my bump as he was rubbing it which I loved the feeling of. "Y/n?" Jake said as he looked up at me. "Yes." I said with a smile. "Did you just pee yourself?" He asked. I mean I felt something but I'm pretty sure I didn't. "No I don't think so." I said. "My lap is wet." He added. That's when it hit me. A sharp pain went across my stomach making me tense up. "My waters broke." I told him standing up in shock. "Ow ow ow!" I said as the pain got worse. The contractions got closer as I began to time them. "Y/n's gone into labour." Jake said to all the others who were in the tower. Deano, Jethro, Reidy and Jackson.

Jake's POV:
My brain was going crazy. I stood there completely still. "Jake?!" Y/n exclaimed snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sorry sorry." I said panicking slightly. "Hey hey calm down. You don't need to panic. Only when I start to panic is when you need to panic ok. It's going to be ok. We'll get through this." She explained making me smile. I pecked her lips hugging her. "I think this baby wants out." Y/n said through gritted teeth. "In and out. Deep breath in and then out." I told her as she followed me. "Jake I don't think we'll make it to the hospital." Y/n told me resting against the medical bed as I breathed through a contraction.

Quinn. He was on duty today. "Hey Deano can you get Quinn up here please?!" I asked. "Sure." He said as he radioed down for Quinn. "Oh and one of you call an ambo as this baby is coming now and we won't make it in time to the hospital." I added. "On it." Jethro said. Before I knew it Quinn was up in the tower right by Y/n and I.

Your POV:
I'm so scared. "Jake I can't do this." I said begging to panic. "Baby. Shh. You can do this. You're the most strongest person I know. We'll get through this." Jake said rubbing my back. Jake helped me up onto the bed and I got myself ready.

Quinn was here to assist as he's a paramedic so I trusted him. "Right Y/n you need to push this baby wants out." Quinn said. I began to push and then stopped when I was out of breath. "Ok I think one more big push the baby will be here." He said. Jake's hand left mine and he went to help deliver the baby. This was the final push the baby came out. Cries filled the air from the baby as tears fell down my cheeks and Jake looked all emotional like he was going to cry. I sighed in relief. "It's a boy!" Jake said as he was holding the baby in his hands and was soon placed him on my chest. "Welcome to the world Teddy." I said kissing his head. The ambo arrived and took Jake and I to the hospital.

- - - -

I woke up realising I was in the hospital after the birth. It went well and better than I thought it would. Not exactly how I wanted to have my baby but at least he was ok. Jake was sat in the chair from across the room holding our son. "You're going to be a great surfer when you're older because you'll have the best teacher teaching you and that's going to be daddy." I heard him say. This was perfect. I can't wait for him to grow up and experience everything with his father.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

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