Chase - Stolen bag

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A/n: thank you so so much for 5K!

Your POV:
I came to bondi to relax not to have my bag stolen. As you can see my bag got stole by some freak. Unfortunately I wasn't with anyone so there's no chance in hell I'll be finding my bag again. It has all my foods in it e.g. my purse, phone, keys... and everything else that you would need in a bag. I'll let the lifeguards help with finding it.

I headed over to the tower thinking about what'll happen with my bag and if they'll find it. It was so busy today it could be anywhere. I knocked on the blue door of lifeguard tower hoping to get a response soon. A guy, around my age came down to the door. "My bag has been stolen." I said. "Ok what does this bag look like?" He asked. "It's a peach coloured rucksack with white paint splashed on there." I explained giving all the details I could.

"What was in there?" He asked

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"What was in there?" He asked. "My phone, keys, purse and everything you would need in a bag." I added. He bought me into the tower so I could locate where my bag was last before it was stolen. "It was right over there *points to the south end of bondi* right by the wall." I said. "We'll find it for you. Just stick around the beach and we'll make sure it comes back safe in one piece." He said making me smile. "Thank you. I'll be sat in the same place I was sat so you know where to find me." I said before waving goodbye and heading back to the place I last was.

- - - -

Chase's POV:
I couldn't let this young lady go home without her bag. I couldn't let anyone go home without their things. Some of the other lifeguards helped me look out for the bag/ the bag thief hoping we would find him soon.

A man was acting suspicious around the beach especially around people's bags. "Don't take the bag." I mumbled catching the attention of Chappo. "What's wrong mate?" He asked grabbing his binoculars and looking in the same direction as me. "We've got a bag thief on our hands. He's just taken a bag and I can see he has the peach coloured bag that I've been looking for, for over an hour." I said before placing my binoculars down and running out the tower. Chappo followed me to catch this guy. Luckily Beardy was in the tower so he could keep an eye on the beach.

*Bondi Central to the boys on the beach... we have eyes on the bag thief and are currently chasing him as he has two stolen bags in his hands*

I said through the radio as we ran after him. Soon he noticed us running towards him that he decided to run too. Off the beach and behind the pavilion.

Chappo and I caught the guy stopping him holding while him hostage till the police arrived.

*Bondi to central and boys on the beach... we have caught the bag thief and are waiting for the police*

I said into the radio as Chappo update Beardy with all the information to give to the police. "Is this your bag?" I asked picking up the peach coloured bag. "Yes. It's my friends. He told me to pick it up." He said. "I believe you stole this bag from someone as we had a report of a missing bag with the exact same description as this one." I explained. "This is mine." He said. I made sure everything was in the bag and luckily it was, all that girls valuables were at the bottom of the bag cover in a towel. Smart idea.

The police soon arrived taking the guy back to the station. "I better return this to the young lady." I said picking up the peach bag. Chappo picked up the other bag heading to tower. I saw the girl walking towards the tower. "Hey!" I shouted. She turned around seeing me and smiled. I held her bag up smiling. We both came to one another. "Here is the bag you've been waiting for. I've check to make sure all what you stated was in there. Nothing has been touched." I said handing the bag over.

Your POV:
The young lifeguard handed my bag over. I took it from his hands placing it on my back knowing it was safe in my arms. "Thank you so so much..." I was about to finish with his name but I didn't know it. I think he knew what the ending was. "My names Chase." He said smiling. "Well Chase, thank you for finding my bag and returning it back to me. My names Y/n by the way." I said with a smile. "Well y/n. It was nice seeing and meeting you." Chase said. We both smiled. "Can I take you out sometime?" He asked. "Of course." I said. "Tomorrow?" He suggested. "Like a date?" I asked raising a eyebrow. "You could say that." Chase said with a chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck. "Pick me up at 7 and we'll go from there." I said. We both said said goodbyes with me thanking him once again. I just scored myself a date night.

A/n: I know I said I wouldn't upload everyday... well we are on lockdown so what else am I meant to do ahaha 😂

Update: thank you for 6k! ❤️

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