Jesse - Accident

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Requested by @EmilieTurpin1

Emilie's POV:
It was a nice day outside so I thought it would be great if I spent it outside so that's what I did. I took a shower then did my everyday morning routine. After I placed my swim wear on and grabbed the things I needed for the day. From mine and Jesse's apartment the beach was about 10 minutes away so it wasn't a long walk. It was a nice walk to the beach as the views are incredible. Soon I made it to the beach taking in the ocean smell that was in the air.

I opened the blue door to the tower which was opposite the pavilion (not the one by the stairs). I walked in hoping there was at least a few people in here and luckily there was. Harrison was near the door noticing me first. "Hey." We both said as I made my way to where the others were. "Hey guys!" I said to the ones that were in the tower. Jesse jumped up from his chair and came down to hug me. "Hey cutie." He whispered in my ear causing me to blush. I smiled. "Hey Y/n!" Harries said smiling. "Hey Harries." I said back. "Jesse?" I asked getting his attention. "Can you keep my bag up here please if possible?" I asked. "Of course." Jesse said taking my bag placing it in a special place. "I'm just going for a swim so I'll be back to collect it soon." I told him kissing his cheek. "Have fun." They said and I smiled waving as I walked down to the shore. I made my way between the red and yellow flags (don't forget to swim between the red and yellow flags!) I went into the sea as it felt great against my body as I floated for a bit soon to be swimming around.

- - - -

I had been out swimming for a while and began to head back when I got hit by a surfboard then a shooting pain came from my side. I looked down and saw blood. Not a good sign. Someone must've saw me and got help immediately as I saw a blue board come up close to me. "Emilie!" They shouted. As they got closer I realised it was Maxi. Thank lord he was here to save me. "Get on." He said but I couldn't. "My side." I said in agony holding onto it. I moved my hand away and there was blood. Maxi helped me onto the board and we paddled back to shore.

Maxi's POV:
I saw a girl get hit by a surfboard which immediately caught my attention.

*north bondi to bondi central I'm going in to save this chick*

*ok mate*

I grabbed my board heading out to save this girl. This is when I noticed it was Emilie. "Emilie!" I shouted as she looked up at me. "Get on." I said. "My side." She said clutching it. She moved her hand and I immediately saw blood. I helped her onto the board and paddling back to the beach as quickly as I could. We got back to shore and I carried her up the beach a way from the water. "Stay with me Emilie." I said to her.

*Maxi to central*

*come in Maxi*

*Its Emilie. I just bought her in and she's got a nasty gash on her side. It's bleeding pretty badly so can we have an ambo and the medical kit*

*oh sh*t Jesse and Harries are on their way down now and an ambo is on its way*

She was in a lot of pain. "It's going to be ok." I reassured her.

Emilie's POV:
That hurt. My head was hurting and I felt a little dizzy. "Emilie?" Maxi said. "Hmm." I said. "How do you feel?" He asked looking at me. "I feel a bit dizzy and tired." I said. "Ok did you hit your head." He asked. "I think so." I said not remembering anything at all. "Stay as still as you can." Maxi told me and obviously I did.

*Maxi to central can we have the spinal board down here please*

*ill send it down*

I heard them speak over the radio. The rhino came towards us and someone jumped out as it drove away again. "It's me Emilie." The familiar voice said. Jesse. I looked at him. "I'm going to hold your head still." He said placing his hands either side of my head. Soon the rhino came back again with Harries jumping off with the spinal board. They all got themselves into position to place it underneath me. I focused on Jesse's face as that's what I could only see at this present moment in time. Soon I was on the board and I groaned out in pain as my side hurt like hell. Harries radioed to update them so they could report it too the ambo. Shortly later, the ambo came and Jesse came with me. It was a long rest of the day at the hospital. I was soon discharged in the morning.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you liked this!

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