Noah - all i want

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Your POV:
Noah and I have hit a rough patch in our relationship and it's not the pretiest. We've been dating for 6 months. It's normal to have arguments I know. I was at Noah's place for the evening and things were off to a good start. We were in the living area and Noah was sat on the sofa while I was standing. "Babe I can't hang out tomorrow as I'm with the lads." Noah told me. "But tomorrow was our night." I told him. "I know y/n but I need to spend time with the lads first." He explained. I sighed. "So I am second best then?" I questioned. Noah sighed. "I get it." I told him as I began to walk away. "Wait y/n-." Noah said as I walked away. "Save it Noah. I don't want to hear it." I told him walking as far away from him as possible.

- - - -

It's been about 3 months since Noah and I broke up. Yeah it's been hard but things like that happen. I haven't been speaking to anyone because I... I'm not over our break up. My phone rang. It was Noah. We have talked through the 3 months.


Y/n? I need to see you.
Noah *sighs*
Look I know it's not a good time but it's important.
I'll head over now so I'll see you soon.
See you soon.

I headed out of my house and down towards Noah's apartment. I walked straight in and Noah was walking around his living room area. "Hey. He said coming towards me. We hugged. It went silent and a little awkward. I could tell Noah wanted to say somerhing and he did. "I've always loved you y/n. I've kicked myself ever since the day we broke up because I felt like I wasn't good enough for you." Noah cried. "You are good enough for me Noah." I told him as tears slipped down my eyes. "I love you y/n. More than anything. You were never second best! And when I said 'I love you' back then I meant it." Noah explained with tears falling down his cheeks. "I love you too Noah." I told him. Noah rested his neck in the crook of my neck. I held him tightly. "All I want is a good guy you know. For someone to love me back and to care for me and love me for who I am. But it's hard to find one of those nowadays." I told him. He chuckled. "You have me and I'm always going to love you." Noah said pressing his lips to mine.

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