Dylan - Midnight

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Your POV:
Dylan and I have been best of friends from a young age. Unfortunately I moved to England when I was 10 but I came back when I was 14 to visit. Dylan and I kept in contact and still do. It was sad how I couldn't see Dylan like I used too. We haven't seen one another properly in years. Well 4 years to be precise. We text, call and FaceTime one another when we can due to the time difference but we're still close than ever. I miss him lots.

My family helped me plan a holiday to Australia for a few weeks so I could spend time with Dylan. The thing is Dylan doesn't know anything about this so it's going to be a surprise for him. His mum is in on this as she is a good family friend of ours. She let me stay at their house for the time I'm here in Australia. It's very nice of them to let me. I've been waiting for this moment for 4 years and it's finally come. To see my best friend. My soulmate even. As cringe as it sounds we have matching bracelets which we got when we were 10. We got them because I was moving away and we wanted to be connected in a special way.

 We got them because I was moving away and we wanted to be connected in a special way

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Dylan had the brown and I had the pink. I've never taken mine off and will never take it off. It'll be stuck by me forever and always as it means a lot to me.

- - - -

I made my way down to bondi as Dylan was working. It was a semi busy day but it definitely was gonna get busier so I thought I would surprise him when it's less busy. I walked up to the tower and knocked on the door. "Hey." I said as one of the guys walked towards me. "I'm looking for Dylan. Do you know where he is?" I asked. "He's down south end in that rhino there." The guy said pointing to where it was. "Thank you so much." I said before making my way over there.

Dylan's POV:
I was sat in the rhino with Harrison as we were on south end duty when my radio went off.

*bondi central to Dylan... a girl came up to the tower asking for you so I've sent her down your way*

*ok thanks mate*

Harrison and I looked at one another. I wonder who it could be. A few minutes later I heard my name being shouted. "Dylan!" Someone's voice said. I turned around and saw someone who I thought I would never see ever again.

Your POV:
I called his name a few times until he turned to face me. He looked at me in shock and I smiled. "Y/n?!" He exclaimed getting out of the rhino and running towards me even though I was a few metres away. "I've missed you." He said engulfing me in his arms. I've missed his hugs. A few tears slipped from my eyes. "I've missed you so much Dylan." I said hugging him tightly. We pulled away and stared at one another. "You've grown." Dylan said making me laugh. I wasn't the tallest of people when I was 14. "And you're still sarcastic." I told him as we both laughed. We pulled one another in for a hug. "Let's go. My shift is finishing so we can go spend some quality time together." He said walking over to the rhino to collect something. "Do you two want a lift up to the tower?" Harrison said as he passed us. "No we're ok." Dylan said as we began to walk.

Dylan led me up to the tower as his shift was finishing any minute. We walked in and I stood back as Dylan did his thing. He was soon back by my side. Before we left some of the lifeguards started asking questions. "She your girlfriend mate?" One of the lifeguards asked. "No just my best friend." He said as he paced and arm around my shoulder squeezing me tight. I smiled. "Ah I thought you were. Well you'll make a cute couple anyways." Another said. Dylan was going slightly red. "Ok y/n and I have some catching up to do so we're off." He said guiding me out the tower. We got out and I could see how red Dylan went. "Umm Dylan, you've gone a little red." I said trying not to laugh. "Oh god. I'm so sorry." He said. Now that's the Dylan I know. "It's ok honestly." I told him as we walked away from the beach.

- - - -

Before I left for England, Dylan and I used to sneak out at midnight and go into the tree house that was in my backyard. We would lay on the blankets and do some star gazing. It's what we both loved doing. My time here in Australia was coming to an end as this was the last night I was spending here before I left for home. I'm gonna miss it and I sure am going to miss Dylan. I realised something when I was here. The way I felt towards Dylan has changed. I used to like him just a friend by now I'm liking him more and realising it much more. I mean ever since we broke apart then called, texted and FaceTimed one another that's when I realised I was falling for him. Just hanging out with him makes me have butterflies in my stomach. He has that effect on me. But I have to spend my last night and few hours of the morning making the most of it all before leaving.

There was a knock at the door of the room I was staying in. I got up to answer it seeing Dylan standing there. "Come with me." He whispered as I quickly put a pair of shoes on and followed him outside. He grabbed my hand leading me to the corner of the back yard. There was a blanket there already with some lights there too. So sweet. We sat down and stared at one another. I went a little shy. "Why you staring so much?" I asked. "Because you're beautiful and I've missed seeing your face everyday." He said as I blushed a bit. "I've missed seeing you too." I said making him smile. It went quite for a second before Dylan spoke up again. "I just want you to stay here with me." He said holding my hands. I smiled up at him. "Stay till the morning. So I can see you one last time before you leave." He asked looking into my eyes. I couldn't resist. Of course I want to stay with him but I can't leave my family like that.

We sat in silence for a bit. "Dylan you know I can't." I told him. He sighed. "You've spoke to your parents about this haven't you?" He asked. "I have and they said I can live out here but I don't think I'm ready." I told him. "But will this change your mind." He said before pressing his lips to mine as we kissed slowly. We both pulled away. "Wow." I whispered. He smirked. "So?" He asked. I leaned in kissing him this time. "So I take that as a yes then." Dylan said wiggling his eyebrows. I gently pushed him as a joke. "Don't be mad but I spoke to your parents about this when you left me earlier and they're more than happy to let you stay with me out here." He told me. Of course I was in shock. "I'm only staying out here for you and for some other things but mainly for you so if anything bad happens between us I'll be heading straight home." I told him. "Don't you mean back to England because this is your new home now." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. "Yes silly." I replied. We laughed.

The two of us looked up at the stars. I got taken out of my thoughts by Dylan placing his hand in mine. "So what does that make us then?" He whispered fiddling with my fingers. I smiled and he did the same back. "Girlfriend and boyfriend?" I mumbled. He smirked. "Well then, y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Dylan asked with his famous smile. "Of course, I would love too." I said making him smile. Dylan leaned in kissing my lips slowly but passionately. I just fell in love with my best friend.

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