Troy - Stomach Pains - Part 2

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After a few minutes of constant pain I let a few tears slip down my cheeks. Troy felt my tears and stared down at me. "Babe. Shh. It'll be ok. Breathe in and out. In and out." He whispered making me copy his breathing. I did that for a few minutes until it was too much. I burried my head into his chest.

- Next Day -

Your POV:
I absolutely hate this time of the month. It ruins everything. I'm always so emotional about nothing. Why?! These hormones are annoying! I hate it. Cramps are absolutely horrible and the worst. Everyone may think I'm being over dramatic but wait till they have pain like me. They'll soon see where I'm coming from.

- - - -

I was laying on the sofa because I was taking a nap and too tired to do anything as I had no motivation what so ever . I had a hot water bottle placed on my stomach to soothe the pain and I took some pain relief medicine about an 30 minutes ago which should take its affect soon.

Troy walked into the room and noticed I was laying there looking uncomfortable. "Y/N?" He asked sitting on the sofa in front of me. I groaned. "Yes?" I asked. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Just in pain. It's really nothing to worry about." I told him. "Well you look uncomfortable." He told me. "That's because I am." I said sitting up on the sofa trying to get comfortable but what I did didn't work one bit.

I was craving some ice cream but I wasn't sure if we had any as I ate some yesterday. "Do we have any ice cream?" I asked looking up at Troy. He looked at me with a smile. "No. You ate the last of it yesterday babe." He told me. I chuckled then groaned falling back on the sofa. My back began to hurt so I sat up for the time being. "Come here babe." Troy said sitting next to me on the sofa as he pulled me onto his lap. I rested my head on his chest listening to his heart beat/ breathing which slowly sent me to sleep.

- - - -

When I woke up I wasn't on Troy or even in the same room that I fell asleep in. I was in our room but Troy was no were to be seen. I got out of the bed and began to go look for him. I made my way to the kitchen to see a note which read: babe I've gone out to get somethings I'll be back in 30 minutes. I love you. Troy xx
This is why I love this man. He's so sweet and caring. I made my way back to the bedroom laying back down to soon fall asleep again.

"Babe? Y/n?" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes slowly to see Troy crouched down in front of me. "Yes?" I mumbled. "I made you something." He said with a smile. "Come with me." He said helping me get up out of the bed. We both walked towards the bathroom and we walked in. The bath was full with bubbles, there were candles lit up around it, and also there was a teddy bear with some chocolates and ice cream by it. "Troy." I said softly hugging him. "You didn't have too." I said hugging him tighter. "Well I thought I'd be a great boyfriend and make you a bubble bath with extra essentials." He told me. I smiled. "You already are a great boyfriend but thank you." I said kissing his lips. "I love you." I mumbled against his lips. "I love you too." He said as he smiled.

Troy soon left the bathroom as he let me change and get into the bath. I sat down in the bath relaxing in it as I really needed too. It felt so good against my skin. The water was a nice temperature which was lovely. Shortly after getting in the bath, Troy walked into the bathroom. He took a seat on the toilet lit and sat there. "Thank you so much for this." I said telling him with a big smile on my face. "Anything for you baby." He said. I smiled. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said blowing me a kiss.

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