Jethro - Flirting

10.4K 111 16

Requested by @km19962000

Your POV:
I'm a trainee from England at Bondi beach hoping I will join the team and be a full-time lifeguard one day. It's a dream of mine. I mean it's pretty much everyone's dream when they apply if I'm being honest. My first shift was with Jethro and obviously a few others which I weren't sure if their names back then. He was super sweet and helped me settle in well but we had a load of rescues to do so I wanted to prove not just to him but to the whole team and the boss Hoppo what I was able to do as a lifeguard. And I did. I got some amazing feedback and some good pointers for next time. It was a great first shift. I really enjoyed myself.

I've been a lifeguard for a few months now and all of the lifeguards have been so welcoming towards me. We all get also really well especially Jethro and I. Let's say we flirt pretty much most of the time when we're together. We're always complimenting one another and laughing at what each other has to say. "You make me so happy." I said while laughing. "That's what I'm here to do y/n. To make and see you smile." He said with a wink which made my heart flutter. Oh. Wow. I smiled at him blushing a little trying to hide it by looking out the window. "Are you blushing y/n?" Jethro asked smiling as he moved his chair closer to mine. "Me blushing. No." I laughed. "Then why are you're cheeks red?" He asked. "Umm it's hot in here." I said trying to hide the truth. "Nope you're definitely blushing." He said chuckling. "And if I was?" I asked curious of what he would say. "Well it was cute." He whispered near my ear. I looked over at him blushing a little more. "I-I." I said but couldn't say much. "Let's go for a walk." He said to me. "Well it's my lunch break now anyways so sure thing." I said as I followed him out of the tower.

Jethro and I went off with one another. He took my hand as we walked. We found a wall sitting down on it chatting away like we normally do. "You're so cute." I said making Jethro smile and laugh cutely. He soon blushed. "Are you blushing Jethro?" I asked smiling and in shock. "No." He said quickly. "Of course you are." I stated. He rolled his eyes playfully. "You're cuter though." He said making me smile and then blush too. I could've kissed him but I had to pull myself back from doing so. Maybe one day y/n. We both got talking and it was going great. I laughed at what Jethro said and then rested my head on his shoulder with him resting his on mine. We sat like that for a while until our lunch break was over so the two of us walked back into the tower like nothing had happened between us. Hoppo was in there with Mouse, Troy and Ryan. We both walked up the few steps and towards any of the chairs in the tower. Hoppo and Mouse looked at us with smiles.

Jethro walked out of the tower as he was on south corner duty. "So you and Jethro hey?" Mouse said with a big smile. "Wait y/n and Jethro?" Tory said in shock. I raised my eyebrow. "How do you know?" I asked looking directly at him. "Well Hoppo and I were coming back from his office and saw you two sitting on the wall together laughing and looking all loved up let's just say." He said. "Yeah it was somewhat different." Hoppo added. "I mean we're good friends." I said. "Yeah good friends. That's what they all say." Mouse said as he smirked. I laughed. "Yeah yeah. Whatever." I replied getting back to what I originally planned to do.

Jethro's POV:
My shift was over for the day as I asked Hoppo to finish early for the evening as I wanted to spend sometime with y/n before today ended. Y/n finished at this time so I thought I would ask Hoppo if I could finish this time too. "So why you leaving early?" Maxi asked with a smile on his face. "Me and y/n are doing something." I said waiting for y/n to arrive at the tower. "And what do you mean by something?" Maxi asked smirking. I shook my head while laughing. "Just talking and relaxing." I said making Maxi roll his eyes. "Boring." He said as I laughed. Y/n turned up at the tower. "Ready?" She asked as I followed her out of the tower.

At the end of my shift I took Y/n down to sit on the beach with me for a while. Just the two of us. Let's say I've caught feelings for her when she started. She's just so beautiful. I took her hand leading her to the spot that I thought was best for us both to sit down/lay down on. We both got comfortable looking out to the ocean and all around us. "Hey y/n?" I said catching her attention. She moved her head so it was facing me as her beautiful (your eye colour) stared into my eyes. Wow she was beautiful and the sun made her look 100 times more beautiful. I took her hand as I fiddled with her fingers as she giggled. "You look beautiful." I told her. "Jethro I'm in my lifeguard uniform but you don't look bad your self handsome." She said as I smiled looking into her eyes. I could kiss her right now.

Mouse's POV:
I don't want to sound like a stalker or being rude and invading their privacy but me and Maxi watched as Jethro and Y/n made their way across the beach. They both sat down looking at one another. I have to admit they're cute together. "Young love hey." I said causing the others to laugh. "I wouldn't say they've rushed into it though." Maxi said. It went silent. You could see the two of them leaning in. This could only mean one thing. "Yes Jethro!" We all cheered from the tower as him and y/n kissed. Finally!

Your POV;
We looked into one another's eyes. His eyes are super gorgeous. Our faces were only a few centimetres apart and it felt like they were getting closer together. Jethro smiled looking at my lips then back to my eyes as he did that a few times. We both leaned in when our lips attached as we shared a kiss. The two of us pulled away smiling like crazy. "You know I like you." I mumbled so only he could hear. "And you know I like you too." He said pressing his lips to mine again. I smiled into the kiss. "So does this mean we're dating?" I asked. "Yeah you could say that." Jethro said as he pulled me into his arms as we fell back into the sand.

I could hear cheering from somewhere. It sounded close but we were no way near the tower. "Yes Jethro!" I heard much clearer which was definitely from his radio. We both looked at one another. "I forgot to turn my radio off and leave it in the tower." He said shaking his head. "I knew they were going to do that." He added. I giggled. "I mean it is Mouse and Maxi we're talking about." I said and Jethro agreed. We both spent a good 30 minutes to an hour laying down in each other's arms enjoying the view of Bondi.

A/n: thank you for requesting! I hope you like this.

Also thank you for 4K! Wow I was only at 3k yesterday! Mind blown ❤️❤️


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