Harrison - you're a great guy

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Your POV:
I woke up not wanting today to happen. It's going to be the worst day. A two year relationship is going to come to an end because I'm leaving for a few years. This was something I never imagined and never wanted to happen. I'm not even sure how he's going to take it.

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My bags were already packed and in the back of my car. I headed over to Harrison's house for the final time in forever. This is going to be emotional. I knocked on his door walking in after. Harrison walked towards me. "Hey babe." He said placing his hands either side of my face. He pressed his lips to mine. I made sure this kiss lasted a little longer. This was our last kiss. We pulled away. "Babe is everything ok?" He asked. I looked at the floor not wanting him to see my tears. "I need to tell you something." I told him leading him to the sofa. We both sat down holding one another's hands.

I could tell by Harrison's facial expression that he was worried. "I never wanted it to end like this but it's going to have to one day." I said trying not to cry. "What do you mean y/n?" He asked. "Us." I mumbled. "Us? What do you mean us?" He asked softly. "I'm leaving Harrison. For a few years and I'm not sure when I'm coming back. I don't want to leave you but I have too." I cried. He looked like he wanted to cry too.

Harrison took a deep breath. "We don't have to break up baby. We can work around this." He pleaded. "No we can't." I mumbled. "Oh god." He cried. "You're a great guy Harrison." I said wiping my tears. "I just want you to be happy. You'll be fine without me." I explained. By now he was crying too. "But what if I didn't want to let you go." He sobbed. "Nothing lasts forever." I whispered. "But we are going to." He added. "Harrison, it's best if we let go." I said. Something I never wanted to say. He cried. "If its best for us both then ok. I'll always love you y/n." Harrison told he as he held my hands. "And I'll always love you." I whispered. We have one another a long tight hug. "You know where I am if you ever need anything." Harrison added. I nodded my head. "Of course." I told him.

We looked into one another's eyes. "I don't want you to leave." He added looking at the floor. I placed my hands either side of his face. "Hey Harrison. Look at me?" I asked and he did. "I don't either but it's for the best. I'll be back in a few years." I said whispering the final part. "Ok." He said letting the last few tears slip. I wiped them away before we pulled away. "Goodbye Harrison." I said as I opened my car door. "Goodbye y/n." Harrison said from his doorstep. We waved goodbye to one another for the final time.

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