Max Ayshford - Arguement

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Requested by @erinewings

Erin's POV:
Max and I have been dating for a year now. We met through Max's good friend Jesse Polock. I was good friends with Jesse and so was Max. Jesse introduced us to one another one day and we got talking. We both had a lot in common. About 5 months into knowing one another he asked me out and of course I said yes. When we were getting to know one another, it felt like I had known him for years. Max also felt that too so we decided to give dating a go and now we're going strong.

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Max took today off so we could spend sometime together. We woke up in one another's arms. He makes me so happy. I love him. We both showered and got changed for the day then headed into the living room.

Before I sat down I went into the kitchen and took a piece of cake as I was peckish and I was craving cake at the time. I sat down on the sofa slowly eating the yummy cake. "Babe you shouldn't be eating that. You'll gain more weight like you already have done." Max said. I don't think he meant it like that. I choked. "I haven't gained weight." I said confused. "It kinda looks like it." He said with his eyes glued to the screen. "I thought you were my boyfriend not some harsh selfish guy." I said to him. "You're so annoying somedays." He said under his breath. "Aha excuse me! Says you." I snapped back. He ignored me. "You're so moody and have been a lot recently." He stated. "And what's the problem with that?" I asked. "It's annoying and you're acting like a child." He argued. "So you're saying I'm acting like a child when you were the one who started this argument?!" I question. He rolled his eyes. "Max I actually can't believe you." I screeched. He glared at me.

I moved to pick up the cups that were left on the table from earlier. "No wonder somedays I regret being with you." He mumbled. I hope he didn't say what I thought he just said. "What did you just say?" I asked making sure I heard what I actually heard. "Nothing." He added. I rolled my eyes and headed into the kitchen to place the cups in there then walking back to the living room. "You know what Max... sometimes I hate being with you too and if you don't like it then you can leave." I said on the verge of tears. He stood up looking at me. "You're right. I will." He said grabbing his keys and phone before leaving our shared house. Max walked straight out of the house leaving me by myself. I cried. My emotions got the best of me. I hate arguing with him. It hurts me.

Max's POV:
I left the house with Erin inside. We both got into an argument which had words thrown at one another that wasn't meant to be said. I do feel bad but we just need our space. I mean Erin has been a bit moody recently but I shouldn't of said it in that way.

I headed off to find Jesse.

I made my way down to the beach tower where Jesse and a few other lifeguards were. I walked in getting Jesse's attention. "Hey Max." Jesse said. "Hey." I said taking a seat next to him. "What brings you down here?" He asked. "Me and Erin had an argument." I said sighing. "We both said somethings which weren't meant to be said so I walked out letting her have sometime to herself the same with me. I came down here." I explained. After spending a few hours down at the tower I decided it was best to head back home. I can't ignore Erin forever.

Erin's POV:
I headed to the bathroom and to the draw that was under the sink. Luckily Max hardly goes in there. I opened it revealing the pregnancy test I took a few days ago. I had taken one about a week ago which also said positive but to be 100% sure I took another. This definitely has to be the best gift I've ever been given. I placed the test in my pocket and headed back to the living room hoping Max will return soon.

The door opened with Max coming in and sat down next to me on the sofa after returning. "Max you know I hate arguing with you." I said to him as I sighed. "I know baby. I do too." He said. "I'm sorry about the way I treated you earlier." I said making him look at me. "Same here. I never regret being with you. You're my everything and my world. I don't know what I'll do without you." He added. Now was the time to tell him and I took the test out of my pocket. "This is the reason why I've been moody recentley." I said handing him the test. "I-umm." He said looking confused and shocked. "I'm pregnant baby." I said super happy with a smiled spread across my face. "Oh my days Erin!" Max said pulling me into his arms hugging me tightly. "We're going to be parents!" He exclaimed. "I can't wait." I said. Max continuously kissed my cheek soon leading it to my lips. "I love you so much baby." He said pressing his lips to mine. "I love you too Max." I said. "And of course the little one who's inside you right now." Max added kissing my stomach. He's going to be an amazing dad.

A/n: thank you for requesting! I hope you like this!

Thank you for 3k already! ❤️


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