Jake - Girlfriend

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Your POV:
Today my best friend Jake said he wanted to take me out for the evening. I have feelings for him. I'll admit that but I can't say it too his face because I'm not sure how he'll react. Hopefully tonight goes well.

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For my outfit I chose a simple pair of jeans, a nice white floral top and a grey longish cardigan with my hair straightened. 5pm came around quickly before I knew it there was a knock at my door. I headed over and opened it to reveal Jake standing there with Y/F/F (your favourite flower) in his hand. I smiled. "Hey gorgeous." He said hugging me kissing my cheek. I blushed. "Hey Jake." I said. "Shall we go?" He asked. I nodded my head and the two of us set off for the evening. Jake drove us both to the beach.

The sun was slowly setting which was really beautiful. "My lady." He said opening my side of the door for me taking my hand in the process. I smiled. What a gentleman. Jake grabbed a blanket and his guitar (a/n: lets say he plays guitar). He took my hand leading me down to the beach placing the blanket down. We both sat facing one another. "Jake this is beautiful." I said smiling. He chuckled. "I know its just the beach but I thought it would be something special for us both." He said. "Being with you is something special in my eyes." I said making Jake go a little red. The sun slowly began to set and Jake grabbed his guitar. He began to strum some chords and hum a few words.

After Jake played his guitar he placed it down by him and looked at me. I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. "Y/n you make me so happy. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life. You make me the happiest man on the planet." He said. "Aww Jake." I said blushing a bit. "What I'm trying to say is *takes a breath* will you be my girlfriend?" Jake said holding my hands. I smiled. "Yes. A million times yes!" I exclaimed jumping onto him. He chuckled pressing his lips to mine.

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