Maxi - flowers

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Your POV:
It's been a tiring week for me. I've been working here there and everywhere. Nonstop. I'm surprised I haven't collapsed.

The time soon passed by quickly and it was my time to leave. I have the next few days off so I can catch up on sleep and actually see my boyfriend Maxi. I packed up my stuff heading towards the door. "See you next week." I said to my work colleagues walking out of the building. I headed to my car unlocking it getting in and taking a deep breath. I pressed Maxi's number on the screen waiting for him to pick up.


Hey baby.

Hey Maxi, i'm on my way home now.

Ok good.

I'm super tired and thankful that I have a few days off.

I bet you are well when you come home you can sleep all you want.

Thank you baby. See you soon.

See you.

I hung up placing my phone down starting the engine before driving off home.

A/n: don't go on your phone while driving!

- - - -

I got out of my car heading towards my house opening the front door walking in shutting it behind me. "I'm home." I said through the house. No reply. Odd. I walked around the house looking for Maxi. He said he was going to be home.

There on the kitchen table was a bouquet of flowers when I walked in. Roses to be exact. There was also a note in an envelope.


These are for you my love. I love you and you're one of a kind. Now you've got the next few days off go relax and enjoy it all. I love you!

Maxi xxxxxx

That's so sweet of him. "Maxi?" I called again placing the note that was adressed for me. Maxi leaned against the door. "Hey babe." He said making me jump a little. "How was you day?" He asked walking over wrapping his arms around me. "Very tiring. I could sleep for days." I exagurated. "Come with me." He said taking my hand.

We walked towards the bathroom. He opened the door. Candles, rose petels and a nice warm bubble bath was reveal. I was shocked. "Maxi!" I exclaimed. "You didn't have to do this." I said as I gave him a hug. "I did. You're stressed and tired so I thought I'd treat my beautiful girlfriend to something relaxing which is what you need." He exclaimed. "Thank you babe." I said to him. I hugged him tightly placing my lips to his. "Right you get into the bath and I'll be with you shortly." Maxi said kissing the top of my head. Maxi left letting me get into the bath. I got in relaxing immetiatley.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in." I called. Maxi walked in sitting on the nearest thing. He stayed with me for the time I was in the bath. After we both sat down had dinner and sat on the sofa relaxing in one anothers eyes.

A/n: shoutout to XxOi_ItsElliexX for making me smile when I log in and seeing your comments! I'm so happy that you love every update!

-Vicki 💙

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