Reidy - mornings - short

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Your POV:
It was early morning and Andy had work today. I didn't want him to leave but I also had work too. The alarm on my phone went off. Andy groaned. "Wake up sleepy head." I whispered. He sat up smiling at me. "Someone woke up in a good mood." He said. I smiled. "Today feels like it's going to be a good day." I said taking a deep breath. We both got ready for the day. He placed his blue shirt on making me smile. "You do great out there." I told him. He smiled. "Thank you." Andy said walking over to me hugging me tightly.

While Andy was getting ready I headed into the kitchen and made us some lunch. I packed it all and placed it in his bag as he probably would forget about it. I placed mine in my bag just as he walked into the room. "Lunch is done." I told him. "Good." He said.
"Ready to go?" I asked him. "All set and ready." He said hugging me. We collected our bags and headed for the door.

We walked out the door locking it after us. "I wish we could spend the day together." I told him. "I know babe but I have work to go to and so do you." He told me. I sighed. "But I want to be with you today." I said with a pout. Andy chuckled. "I would love too but I can't." He told me. "I hate you." I pouted. "You love me really." He said. "True." I said as we both laughed. We have one another a hug and kiss goodbye for the day before going our separate ways to work.

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