Maxi - Just friends

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Your POV:
Maxi and I have been friends for a long time. I've always liked him but a few months ago our relationship started to fall apart. He got a girlfriend (which I'm happy for him) and she wouldn't let me even speak, look or hang out with him. Like I am his best friend. Isn't he allowed girl best friends. To be honest I think she saw me as a threat. We hardly speak anymore as it's slowly disappearing. So what Maxi and I had was getting thrown in the bin piece by piece everyday.

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It was a nice day for a walk so I decided to head down to the beach for a while. I was walking down the beach when I saw Grace (Maxi's girlfriend). I just ignored her and carried on walking. I didn't even make eye contact with her. I was going to the tower as Maxi was working today and to see if I could speak to him. I was about to walk up the stairs when I heard a voice. "Where do you think your going?" She asked rudely. I stopped and turned around. "To see my friends." I said looking at her. "You're going no way near Maxi. If you do you'll know about it." She said coming up to me and trying to get in my face. "Sure. Whatever you say. What are you going to do about it? Maxi's my best friend. I can see him if I want. You're not the boss of me and also you don't control me. It's my life I can do whatever I want thank you very much." I explained. "I'll do this." Grace said raising her hand quickly slapping it around my face. I held my cheek as it stung in pain and glared at her. I didn't want to fight back because I knew she would blame things on me. "That's what will happen if you go near him." She said walking away smirking like nothing had happened.

I ran up to the tower still holding my cheek not caring what she said while fighting back the tears that were in my eyes. I knocked on the door walking in the tower as Mouse spun around to see me standing there. I've always had a soft spot for Mouse. We get on really well. "Hey Y/N." He said with a smile. I gave him a weak smile. "Is Maxi here?" I asked. "Yeah he's coming right up now. Is there anything we can help you with?" Mouse asked. "I wish but it's Maxi I need to speak with." I said making my way up the steps near Mouse. Maxi probably went down to see his girlfriend. No surprise there. "What's wrong with your cheek?" He asked giving me a seat next to him. "I'll explain it all later." I said. He smiled resting his hand on my shoulder before getting back to work.

Maxi walked into the tower surprised to see me. "Y/n! Woah what happened to you?" He asked. "Where do I begin? Well your so called girlfriend just slapped me round the face because she told me never to speak, look or go near you again." I explained. "Are you sure it was her?" He asked. "Yes I'm sure it was her." I snapped back as at this point I was angry with not just Grace, Maxi too. "Don't need to get moody with me." Maxi said back. We've never had a bad fight but I have a feeling this is going to turn into one. "You don't understand anymore Maxi. We used to be best friends and now you got that girlfriend of yours, we've drifted apart. I'm happy that you've found someone to love but she treats everyone like their a waste of space.." I explained. He rolled his eyes. "Are you seriously going to play it this way?" I snapped. He looked straight at me. "I really can't believe you. I thought you were different Maxi. I don't want anything to do with you anymore until you sort yourself out and I can see it." I cried as I was bawling my eyes out with tears. "Y/n?" Mouse said before I left. "What's the point Mouse? He clearly doesn't need me or our friendship anymore so I'm done with it all. I love you Mouse." I said as I got up and left the tower hoping never to return there again.

Maxi's POV:
I was fuming. "Why did she even accuse Grace for doing that?! Grace is the most sweetest girl I've ever met." I explained to the ones that were in the tower, (Mouse, Harrison and Gonzo). "Maybe you need to hear her side of the story again." Harrison suggested. "Or your girlfriends." He added. "I'm going to go find y/n." Mouse said getting up and leaving the tower.

Your POV:
I walked out of the tower and sat by the grasses area near the pavilion. I began to cry. I thought Maxi would understand but no he didn't. In the corner of my eye I saw Mouse come towards me. "It's going to be ok y/n?" He said sitting next to me wrapping one arm around my shoulder pulling me into his chest. I cried. "What did I do to deserve this?! Nothing!" I said crying. "Shhh." Mouse said calming me down. "Let me see your cheek." He said loving my head up looking at it. He rubbed his thumb ever so slightly over it. "I'll go get you some ice so wait here and don't move." He said running to the tower. I giggled at what he said. Oh Mouse! He came back with some ice. "Here. This should help it." He said helping put ice on my cheek. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.

Mouse and I have a strong bond with one another. We're also really good friends and now I need him more than ever since the Maxi drama. The two of us sat on the grassed area for about an hour. I looked into Mouse's eyes and he did the same as we both slowly started to lean in. Our lips brushed each others which fitted perfectly then Mouse immediately pulled away. "I'm so sorry." He said starting to apologise. "Don't be. I liked it." I said. Mouse took my hand as we walked back to the tower in silence. Before Mouse left we shared another kiss (I felt fireworks) then soon all the Maxi drama went away.

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